Latest News

Newsletter 16th December 2019

Newsletter 16th December 2019

2019 has been an amazing and full year. Mrs Armistead would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your ongoing support as we continue to make our school a wonderful place to be, where children are happy and learning. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

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Newsletter 25th November 2019

Newsletter 25th November 2019

With only a handful of weeks to go until Christmas, children are already excited and enjoying the run up to the big day. In school we will be looking at this special time of the year and reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas. Our newsletter and website will keep you up to date with all the up and coming events and news at Skerton St Luke's Primary School.

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Newsletter 11th November 2019

Newsletter 11th November 2019

We are well in to the second half of Autumn term. Children are busy in class with their learning and are preparing for the end of term activities such as the school Christmas Fair and Nativities. Please keep up to date with what is happening at school via the school calendar on the website or on Parent APP - we don't want you to miss out.

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School News 14th October 2019
School News 25th September 2019
School News 5th September 2019

School News 5th September 2019

A warm welcome to all of our new pupils, staff and parents and a huge welcome back to all. I hope you have all had a lovely summer and are ready for some routine and exciting learning in this 2019-20 school year. We have some very exciting learning planned throughout this year. You can find out more about what your child will be learning this year by joining our Parent Sessions next Wednesday and Thursday (11th & 12th Sept). Just a reminder, school doors open at 8.45am and children are encouraged to walk themselves into school and carry their own belongings. Please say good-bye to your child in the playground and allow them to develop this independence.

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School News 6th June 2019

School News 6th June 2019

Only six full weeks left now until the end of this academic year and so much is happening from now until 19th July. Please keep your eye on our Facebook page, website & APP calendar so you don't miss a thing. Here is this week's newsletter covering what has happened recently in school and what is coming up....

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School News 14th May 2019
School News 25th March 2019
School News 11th March 2019


It’s a lovely community. We all feel like a part of St Luke’s family. My child loves her teachers and knows other members of staff. It’s lovely to walk into school and people know my child’s name and always say hello to her, even teachers from other classes or Mrs Armistead.


I know when I drop my kids off they are happy and safe and they both enjoy their time in school.


Thank you for not only teaching my daughter but also caring for her. She’s really happy at school and is making great progress in all areas of learning.


The staff have been so supportive of my child with Special Educational Needs. They are amazing and it makes me confident that my daughter is well looked after and if she has any problems they will help.

Parent of a child with SEND

The Reception Open Day really showed the school in a good light. The Headteacher showed us round and knew all of the pupil’s names. All of the children we met were friendly and polite but more importantly they were all smiling whilst learning.

Prospective Parent

Teachers are very helpful, friendly and approachable

Pupil, Year 6