School News 25th September 2019

Christian Values
Opening minds, learning through challenge and celebrating God’s world
Luke 10: 27 ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’
Our Christian Value for this half term is: Thankfulness
Throughout the half term, we will be thinking about all of the things we are thankful for and how we show that we are thankful. Christians believe that God loves and cares for them in all parts of their lives. They know that they should be thankful and full of praise because of this.
Some of the questions we might ask are:
- In what ways do we encourage people in our school to say and show thanks to each other?
- How do we help people to be thankful for the things we take for granted?
- How do we help people show that they are thankful?
- How do we give thanks for new members of our school community?
Parent Teacher Meetings
Thank you all for attending the parent sessions in school recently. The next parents evening will be in November, after the children have had their first half term in their new classes. If you do need to speak to your child’s class teacher before then, please contact the school office to make an appointment with the class teacher.
Year 6 have been invited to an early parents evening on Tuesday 1st October 3.30pm – 6.00pm and Wednesday 2nd October 3.30pm – 6.00pm. A link has been sent via the Parent APP for you to sign up for an appointment with Miss Garnett. If you do not have the APP, you will not have received this link. Please speak to the school office who will be able to help you set the APP up or arrange an appointment for you.

School Uniform
Could I please remind you that children should not wear jewellery to school and if they wear earrings these need to be small studs that must be removed on PE days
Red sweatshirt bearing school logo.
White polo shirt.
Grey trousers, not tracksuit or jogging bottoms or jeans.
Red sweatshirt bearing school logo.
White polo shirt/ blouse.
Grey skirt or grey trousers, not tracksuit or jogging bottoms or jeans.
Summer dress – red and white checked gingham dress or grey skirt worn with a white shirt/ blouse.
Grey, black, red tights/ socks.
Sensible low-heeled black shoes NOT trainers. Trainers can be changed into for PE/ games
ALL clothing needs to be named and provided in appropriate PE bag which can be hung on the school pegs. Please ensure your child’s hair is tied back if it is long enough. Tracks and design cuts into the hair are not acceptable in school. Because of space in school we ask that children do not bring ruck sacks. Book bags and PE kit bags can be purchased from the school office.
We regularly put news worthy items and advertise up and coming events on our school Facebook Page You don’t need an account to view the page. The page is really popular with many of our parents and we love keeping it up to date with daily posts including photos and the activities that St Luke’s children are experiencing. Please take a look and keep your eye on what school and your child is up to. Equally we have a online calendar and events page on our Parent APP and website. Please look at these regularly so you don't miss out on anything.
See Yr6 now on their London trip - they look as though they are having a fantastic time!

Parent APP Connect
Are you using our Parent APP yet? If not, you could be missing out on valuable information. The APP is the main way school will communicate with you, by sending out Push Notifications that you will receive when on Wifi or Mobile Data (urgent messages are sent by text). Please speak to the school office who can resend your activation code if required. The office will be happy to help set the APP up for you if you would like. If you do not have access to a mobile telephone or tablet in order to receive these notifications, please let the school office know.
In order to receive a notification that a message has been received, please ensure you allow them in your APP settings. Please visit the APP regularly to keep up to date. A Parents Evening booking invitation for YrRec to Yr5 will be sent out soon and bookings will be made on the APP.
Family Group
All of the children in school are part of a Family Group. This consists of a mixture of children from each class in school as well as two members of staff. We meet in our family groups on the first Wednesday of each month and follow the themes of our Christian Values and PSHE Curriculum. Each Family Group is named after a British bird. Our first Family Group meeting for the year is on Wednesday 2nd October.
Community Notice Board
We now have a Community Notice Board on our website. Please take a look to see if there is anything that might interest you. There are a number of courses you might like to sign up to and details on play schemes running through the summer holidays to keep your child entertained. If you would like to advertise an event on our notice board, please contact the main office or email us via the website.
Take A Tour Around Our Website
Have you taken a tour of our website - what do you think? Drop us a line and let us know....
We have added a few links to get you started....
Friends Coffee Morning & SEN
Meet the Friends FOSSL on Friday 27th September after Celebration Worship.
Coffee, Tea & Biscuits served. Under 5s welcome to stay and play.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) will also be on the agenda and support and advice will be available.