Newsletter 7th January 2020

Happy New Year and a huge welcome back to you all. I hope that everyone had a fabulous Christmas. Please visit our school calendar (or Parent APP) and note all of the upcoming dates for this very busy Spring Term.
Christian Values
Opening minds, learning through challenge and celebrating God’s world
Luke 10: 27 ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’
SATs Parents Meetings
We have two SATs meetings on Wednesday 15th January in the school hall. One at 2pm and one at 6pm for both Year 2 and Year 6 parents.
It is essential that parents attend one of these meetings in order to understand the expectations in SATs testing. Parents of children in Year 1 are also able to attend to understand expectations on phonics testing at the end of Year 1.
Your attendance will enter you in the draw to win a £20 Asda voucher.
School Aid 20 - Gig for school
Saturday 15th February. Funds raised at The Bobbin will go to supporting St Luke’s and The Loyne Specialist School. Spread the word!
If you have or know anyone who would like to donate a raffle prize to this worthy cause, please contact our school office.
In the meantime, please visit the School Aid 2020 Facebook page where you will find lots of information about the event.

Queens Card
Mayor of Lancaster Christmas Card Competition
Last month two of our wonderful pupils were awarded WINNER and RUNNER UP of a “Christmas Card Competition” which was chosen by the Mayor of Lancaster. Congratulations to our talented boys!
Leo’s design was sent to a number of important people on behalf of Lancaster City Council, including Her Majesty the Queen and Niall's design featured on the reverse of the Christmas card.
An amazing achievement! Well done to all the children who took part on behalf of St Luke’s.
Families of both children have been invited to the town hall to meet the Mayor and enjoy tea followed by a tour of the offices.

Charitable efforts welcomed
Some of our Junior Leadership Team delivered the money we raised taking part in the Elf Run for St John's Hospice. They were joined by the Hospice's Therapy Dog, Bindhi. The Hospice is a local nonprofit organisation which school often support. Thank you for raising a fantastic £135.62 at St John's Hospice.

Its Cold Outside
Please be reminded that all children in school will 'play out' at break times in all weather rain or shine. At this time of the year especially, please ensure your child comes to school with a suitable waterproof and warm coat preferably with a hood. Gloves, scarf and a hat can also keep your child warm.
All children should follow the school uniform policy, including wearing appropriate black footwear in school. If children are not in the correct foot wear they will be expected to wear PE pumps in school.
Please name your child's belongings.

Christmas Fair & Nativities
A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped support the Christmas Fair last month. Special thanks to the 'Friends' of St Luke's FOSSIL. With your help we raised over £500 in much needed funds for school and enjoyed a fun afternoon at the same time.
A big thank you to those who also supported the children's Christmas nativities from supplying costumes, helping children learn lines and buying tickets. With tickets sales we were able to cover the licensing of each production and the additional monies taken will go back in to school funds and help towards educational visits and other resources.
Reception 2020 Intake
The closing date for new reception places starting in September 2020 is Wednesday 15th January. If you have a child due to start primary school this September, please ensure you have applied via Lancashire by this date. Online applications can be done by clicking HERE.
Extra Curricular Activities
Every term we offer a selection of clubs for our children to enjoy after school.
This terms clubs start Monday 13th January to Thursday 26th March 2020 (except JAM starts 20th Jan)
Indoor Multi Skills Yr1 & 2 £10.00
JAM (starts 20th Jan) Yr3, 4, 5 & 6 FREE
Dance Yr4, 5 & 6 £10.00
Homework Club (lunchtime) Yr3, 4, 5 & 6 FREE
Football Yr3, 4, 5 & 6 £10.00
Tag Rugby & Multi Skills Yr3, 4, 5 & 6 £10.00
Library Club (lunchtime) FREE
Don't forget we run Early Birds and Night Owls (a wrap around service) at St Luke's where children can join us before or after school from £5 per session.
For more details about the above, please speak to the school office.
Don't Miss Out !!
Please visit our school calendar by clicking HERE (or Parent APP) and note all of the upcoming dates for this very busy Spring Term.
If you still do not have our Parent APP, please contact the school office ASAP as you may be missing out on some very important messages.