School News 11th March 2019

Find out what's going on at St Luke's this week!
I am constantly humbled and amazed by the incredible people that are associated with our school. It has been inspirational to see the fighting spirit of both Evie in Reception and Tom in Year 5. They are awesome, their families are awesome and their friends are awesome.
It is my great pleasure to tell you all that Lucy Ellis has received the High Sherriff of Lancashire Award in recognition of great and valuable services to the community. Lucy does so much for our school community, including being our Chair of Governors and FOSSL, and we thank her for her commitment and resilience in all she does. Well Done Lucy!
Another person who does so much for the local community is John Walker who is Church Warden and runs Boy’s Brigade, Girl’s Association. John has been invited to a garden party at Buckingham Place in recognition of his volunteer work in the community. We thank him for all of his hard work. Congratulations John!
Our New School Prayer
Please join with us in praying our new school prayer:
God our Father, Jesus, your Son and the Holy Spirit, sent to
stay amongst us:
help us and guide us in all we do and say, that we might
promote your values of Love, Joy and Peace.
Thank you for opening our minds to what was and is, and will
Help us to rise to the challenges so that we may learn all we
Let us join together in celebrating your wonderful world,
and all who live in it.
Teach us to know what to do to make this world a great
world for everyone.

World Book Day - Friday 15th March
Come as your favourite book character and be ready to Stop it! Drop it! Read!
Team Tom Sports Festival Friday 22nd March 3pm – 5pm
We promise a fun filled few hours of games for all the family including, Mini Football Tournament with Mr Molloy, East Egg Hunt, Balloon Pop, Wet Sponge the Teacher, Hook a Duck & a
Hay Stack Game. Don’t miss out on the Cake Stall (donations please), Face Painting, BBQ, Refreshments, DJ and much more……
Raffle & Tom’s Bola for Team Tom
As part of the Team Tom fundraiser we are holding a couple of raffles and a tombola. The Quirky Petal has donated a hand tied bouquet of flowers to be ready for Mothering Sunday and school have a raffle with prizes such a BRAND NEW BOXED iPad (6th Generation) 32 GB Space Grey (donated by IDNS), chocolates, Golf at Lansil, Amazon voucher (donated by ParentAPP) and wine (Reed/LTA).
Tickets will be on sale soon and available up to 28th March.
We have received lots of prizes for the Tom’s Bola – if you have an item you would like to donate, please bring it to school on 20th March.
Are you using the new Connect by ParentAPP yet?
You should have received by text or email an activation code for our NEW PARENT APP. If you haven’t or need help installing the APP, please speak to
the school office.
We will introduce different elements of the APP over the next couple of months and communicate with you as and when they are available. Once fully up and running there will be numerous functions available such as; allowing parents to update a child’s record in school, receiving information about a child’s homework to news and events happening in school. The APP will work alongside our new website which we aim to launch very soon too.
We no longer use EDUSPOT (Teachers2Parents) so it is important we stay in touch with you. The new APP will ultimately offer more flexibility in communicating with you and visa versa. Again, if you are unsure of how to install and activate the APP on your mobile device or tablet, please speak to the school office or refer to the instructions overleaf.

Early Birds and Night Owls
Both Early Birds & Night Owls are enjoyed by many children at St Luke’s and St Joseph’s Primary School. Both clubs offer a wrap-around service which is available during term time from 7.30am and after school until 5.29pm. Both services are flexible so you are not expected to block book sessions, you can book as and when required. Many parents use the facilities to help out with childcare during their working hours, if they have an appointment, a shopping day or even as a treat because children really enjoy going. Night Owls are offering a Friday night movie special for just £5 during March where children can stay until 5.29pm. Look out for the offer in your child’s book bag or call the school office to book.
For St Luke’s children Early Birds is £5 per session (with breakfast) and Night Owls is £5 for one session or £8 for two (with a snack).