School News 5th September 2019

A warm welcome to all of our new pupils, staff and parents and a huge welcome back to all. I hope you have all had a lovely summer and are ready for some routine and exciting learning in this 2019-20 school year. We have some very exciting learning planned throughout this year. You can find out more about what your child will be learning this year by joining our Parent Sessions next Wednesday and Thursday (11th & 12th Sept). Just a reminder, school doors open at 8.45am and children are encouraged to walk themselves into school and carry their own belongings. Please say good-bye to your child in the playground and allow them to develop this independence.
Parent Sessions
Wednesday 11th September 3.20pm – 4.00pm – Year 2, Year 4, Year 6
Thursday 12th September 3.20pm – 4.00pm – Year 1, Year 3, Year 5
This is an opportunity to find out more about what your child will be learning over this year. Areas covered will include; homework expectations, end of year assessments, PE days and requirements, etc. Year 6 will also cover a briefing for parents for the trip to London.
Roald Dahl Week
At the end of the summer term, you will have received a letter telling you all about Roald Dahl Week. During next week we will 'Dip into Dalh' and will be exploring his books, the characters and more. To inspire our learning, Monday 9th September is a ‘dress up Dahl day’. We encourage your child (Yr1 to Yr6) to come dressed as a character from any Roald Dahl book. The whole school worship on Monday will be a Dahl parade. You are welcome to join us for this at 9.10am in the school hall

Attendance Policy
Please can we bring your attention to our Attendance Policy which is available on the school website by clicking here. In particular, we would like to draw your attention to the Authorised and Unauthorised Absence section on page 7.
All required school policies are available on the school website for you to review.
School Uniform
Could I please remind you that children should not wear jewellery to school and if they wear ear-rings these need to be small studs that should be removed on PE days.
School uniform should include black school shoes, not trainers and white, grey or black socks. PE kit need to be in school all term so the children can access for lessons and clubs.
ALL clothing needs to be named and provided in appropriate PE bag which can be hung on the school pegs. Please ensure your child’s hair is tied back if it is long enough. Tracks and design cuts into the hair are not acceptable in school. Because of space in school we ask that children do not bring ruck sacks. Book bags and PE kit bags can be purchased from the school office or Uniform & Leisure in Lancaster.
An information sheet detailing the school's uniform requirements was sent home at the end of the summer term. If you would like a copy, please ask the school office. Of course this information can be found on the school website by clicking here.
Our Harvest festival will be on Friday 13th September at 9.10am. Please bring in food and items that can be donated to The Olive Branch to help families in need. Below is a list of items that can be donated:
· Tinned items;
· Nappies, wipes etc;
· Toiletries, toothbrushes, toothpaste etc;
· Cereal, porridge oats etc.
Please come and join us.

St Luke's Church Summer Fair
Saturday 14th September 2.00pm – 4.00pm
School Hall
Please come along and join in the activities that are on offer. KS2 children are invited to come along and sing some of our school songs at 3.00pm.
Raffle tickets will be sent home this week. Please return by Wednesday 11th September any sold or unsold tickets.
School Facebook Page
We regularly put news worthy items on our school Facebook page. You don’t need an account to view the page, just click here. The page is really popular with many of our parents and we love keeping it up to date with daily posts including photos and the activities that St Luke’s children are experiencing. Please take a look and keep your eye on what school and your child is up to.
Community Notice Board
We now have a Community Notice Board on our website. Please take a look to see if there is anything that might interest you. There are a number of courses you might like to sign up to and details on play schemes running through the summer holidays to keep your child entertained.
If you would like to advertise an event on our notice board, please contact the main office or email us via the website.
We still have a number of vacancies for Governors on our School Governing Body. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in becoming a governor or finding out more about the role and all it entails; please come and see Mrs Armistead or Lucy Ellis (Chair of Governors).
Dates for your Diary
Click here and visit our school calendar detailing up and coming events here at Skerton St Luke's.
Another great way to keep up to date with events and news at St Luke's is to download the Parent APP Connect and visit 'School Events.' If you have not yet got access to the APP, please contact the school office. The APP is the same method we use to contact you by sending push notifications relevant to your child's learning. It is a crucial communication tool that every parent should have access to.