Newsletter 16th December 2019

2019 has been an amazing and full year. Mrs Armistead would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your ongoing support as we continue to make our school a wonderful place to be, where children are happy and learning. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Christian Values
Opening minds, learning through challenge and celebrating God’s world
Luke 10: 27 ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’
SATs Parents Meetings
We have two SATs meetings on Wednesday 15th January in the school hall. One at 2pm and one at 6pm for both Year 2 and Year 6 parents.
It is essential that parents attend one of these meetings in order to understand the expectations in SATs testing. Parents of children in Year 1 are also able to attend to understand expectations on phonics testing at the end of Year 1.
Your attendance will enter you in the draw to win a £20 Asda voucher.
Celebration Worship
Each Friday we have a Celebration Worship where children receive awards and certificates and are encouraged to share their successes and achievements from activities away from school. Classes take it in turns to share work and learning during the term. We encourage you all to attend our Celebration Worship each Friday from 9.10am.
KS2 Nativity
Juniors proudly present 'Bethlehem B&B' this Wednesday at 2pm and 6pm. Limited tickets are on sale at the school office priced at £3 per adult and £2 per seated child.

School Junior Leadership Team (JLT)
At Skerton St Luke’s we believe it is important to listen to our pupils and allow their voices to be heard. All pupils' views and opinions count!
Earlier this term Year 5 pupils can stood for election to become a member of JLT. Successful candidates joined the existing 6 members who were elected in Year 5 last year, and who continue to represent the school in Year 6. Be the change you want to see is the motto we go by, to ensure that as young leaders we act responsibly as positive role-models.
Our current JLT members for 2019-2020 are:
Yr6: Liam, Dexter, Summer, Daisy- Mae, Nathan & Tom.
Yr5: Olivia, Lauren, Bobby, Krystal & Eva-Grace
This year JLT will run a number of events ..... keep your eye on our Facebook page or Parent APP for details.
So far in 2019-20 JLT have organised:
Royal legion Poppy Appeal and raised £116.00
St John's Hospice Elf Run and raised £135.62
Children in Need and raised £260.56
Frequent litter picks around the local area
Recycle points in and around school
Christmas Jumper Day to help raise funds for school (supported by Christmas Fair)
How out JLT works
Our JLT is led and supported by Miss Butler, our Yr4 class teacher. We meet once a week to talk about issues that have been raised by the children, and discuss how we can make changes for ourselves, our school, and the wider community, to make where we learn and live a happier, safer place.
The following are some other projects the JLT are working towards:
Cards for Kindness to bridge the gap between existing generations in our community
Big focus on recycling in the community, at school and at home.
Letter to the council regarding derelict house next to school
Our JLT members will form sub teams to represent an area of learning within school to ensure we strive to meet standards in subject areas to continue to grow, learn and develop together.

School Aid 20 - Gig For School
Saturday 15th February. Funds raised at The Bobbin will go to supporting St Luke’s and The Loyne Specialist School. Spread the word!