School News 14th October 2019

St Luke’s Tide
Christian Values
Opening minds, learning through challenge and celebrating God’s world
Luke 10: 27 ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’
St Luke’s Tide
Thank you to everyone who joined us in school for our St Luke’s Tide celebration. It was so lovely to have parents join us in our Collective Worship. We really saw how much knowledge the children have about The Bible and the stories that they learn in RE lessons.
This Sunday, 20th October, St Luke’s Day will be celebrated in church. There will be one service on Sunday at 10.15am. This service will be a family service with inclusive songs and prayers. All are welcome and it would be lovely to have children from St Luke’s School to help the church community to remember our patron saint. You are all welcome to stay for coffee and cake after the service.

Parent Teacher Meetings YrRec-Yr5
Please sign up via Parent APP for parents evening meetings on 4th or 7th November 2019. It is important to attend these meetings to discuss your child’s progress in school. If you are unable to make any of the allotted times please contact the school office to make other arrangements.
We have a vacancy for a Parent Governor on the Governing Body as Marcus Harding has become a Foundation Governor. Letters will be sent out after half term inviting nominations for the job of Parent Governor. If you or someone you know might be interested in taking on this important role in the running of our school, please complete the nomination forms and return them as soon as you can (these will be sent home this week). If you would like more information about the role of the Parent Governor please contact Mrs Armistead or Lucy Ellis
School Uniform
Could I please remind you that children should not wear jewellery to school and if they wear earrings these need to be small studs that must be removed on PE days.
Red sweatshirt (Yr6 can wear their school leaver hoodie).
White polo shirt.
Grey trousers, not tracksuit or jogging bottoms or jeans.
Red sweatshirt (Yr6 can wear their school leaver hoodie).
White polo shirt/ blouse.
Grey skirt or grey trousers, not tracksuit or jogging bottoms or jeans.
Summer dress – red and white checked gingham dress or grey skirt worn with a white shirt/ blouse.
Grey, black, red tights/ socks.
Sensible low-heeled black shoes NOT trainers. Trainers can be changed into for PE/ games
ALL clothing needs to be named and provided in appropriate PE bag which can be hung on the school pegs. Please ensure your child’s hair is tied back if it is long enough. Tracks and design cuts into the hair are not acceptable in school. Because of space in school we ask that children do not bring ruck sacks. Book bags and PE kit bags can be purchased from the school office.

Get Caught Reading
If you are unable to print your photo, please email it to Where will you be caught?
Click HERE and follow the link to see some of our children enjoying a good read on our Facebook page.

Zoe Perkins SENDCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)
Hi, I am Zoe and I recently joined St Luke's in the role as SENDCO and work in school every Friday.
As SENDCO I have a critical role to play in ensuring that children with special educational needs and disabilities at St Luke's receive the support they need.
A SENDCO is responsible for:
Supporting the identification of children with special educational needs.
Co-ordinating provision for children with SEN.
Liaising with parents of children with SEN.
Liaising with other providers, outside agencies, educational psychologists and external agencies.
Ensuring that the school keeps the records of all pupils with SEN up to date.
If you as a parent/carer have any concerns with regards to your child's learning please speak to their class teacher in the first instance. Children with SEN are generally referred to me direct from the classteacher or learning mentor in school.

Congratulations to Reception
Congratulations to reception class who won the art competition at the recent Lancaster Health Festival. There were many entries and theirs went to the final vote.... over 800 votes were cast at the finals which the organisers said was a great response. A certificate will be presented to the children on 1st November in assembly and a class photo receiving it will be sent to the local press.
We regularly put news worthy items on our school Facebook Page. You don’t need an account to view the page. The page is really popular with many of our parents and we love keeping it up to date with daily posts including photos and the activities that St Luke’s children are experiencing. Please take a look and keep your eye on what school and your child is up to.
Christmas Fair in School
The "Friends" are helping with the Christmas Fair this year. Along with our children displaying and selling their crafts to raise funds for school, the "Friends" are organising stalls in the hall selling crafts and Christmas gifts. If you would like a stall, please get in touch with