Newsletter 25th November 2019

With only a handful of weeks to go until Christmas, children are already excited and enjoying the run up to the big day. In school we will be looking at this special time of the year and reflecting on the true meaning of Christmas. Our newsletter and website will keep you up to date with all the up and coming events and news at Skerton St Luke's Primary School.
St Luke's Church
St Luke's Church welcomes you to any of their services. Please add the following dates to your diary...
Sunday 8th December
10.15am Family Service
Tuesday 24th December
4pm Christingle Service
11pm Carols by Candlelight
11.30pm Midnight Mass
Wednesday 25th December
10.15am Family Service
Please visit their FACEBOOK page by clicking here for all up and coming services.
Christmas Flowers
If anyone would like to make a donation towards the cost of flowers for Christmas, please give it to Revd. Yvonne, one of the churchwardens or pass it to school.
Junior Church welcomes children every Sunday during most of the school term time in the community room from 10.15am during the service. They enjoy stories, craft, singing and lots of other things each week.
Appointment of new Vicar
It has been announced that the Revd. Susan Vallente-Kerr has been appointed as the new vicar at St Luke's. Revd. Susan will join St Luke's after July next year. We look forward to meeting her nearer the time.

M&M Productions
This year school have invited M&M Theatre Company to put on a production of Sleeping Beauty for the children. They will entertain children with their take on a Pantomime favourite on the afternoon of Wednesday 4th December in school.
To cover the cost of their visit, we kindly ask you pay a voluntary donation of £5.00 for your child. Please pay via Parent Pay by logging on to your account by Monday 2nd December. A barcode can be requested from the school office if you prefer.

Children In Need
A whopping £260.56 was raised by you for Children in Need. Well done and thank you once again to everyone who took part and helped raise this fantastic amount - the added bonus was the children (and staff) had a great time doing it. We always appreciate your support in all our fund raising events, no matter how big or small your contribution is. Collectively, all our efforts in everything we do go a very long way. Special thanks to the "Friends" who painted nearly 200 faces on the day!

We Are Reading at St Luke's
St Luke's are committed to provide a positive reading culture within our broad, creative curriculum and encourage reading for pleasure and enjoyment as well as learning.
We have an amazing, newly refurbished library at St Luke’s opened by the award-winning author Peter Lynas. With a weekly class visit, children can select/exchange books for home reading. The space is inviting and enticing and has created a place where children want to be to snuggle up with a book.
St Luke's has pledged with the local cluster to play an active role in planning and organising the next Reading Festival in 2020. The previous festival was a huge success and we are keen to keep the momentum going working alongside other primary schools in the Lancaster/Morecambe area bringing our children and families together in a shared love of reading. Plans are coming together nicely with the promise of the 2020 festival being even more successful than the last.
Yr1 & Yr2 parents have recently attended a Reading Workshop in school with the aim to help them support their child with reading at home. The event was well attended considering it was during the school day and feedback from parents was positive.
There are many ways you can get involved in supporting reading with your child, please feel free to contact your classteacher or Mrs Goodwin if you need some help - in the meantime, school continue to promote.....
Look for a Book
And of course, the biggest event of the year is “World Book” day so get your thinking caps on and start planning those amazing book character costumes we see year after year.
“If you are going to get anywhere in life, you have to read a lot of books”. – Roald Dahl

Christmas Nativities
Lights, Camel, Action
Yr1 & Yr2 with Reception
Tuesday 10th December at 2pm
Wednesday 11th December at 9.30am
Bethlehem B & B
Yr5 & Yr6 supported by Yr3 & Yr4 choir
Wednesday 18th December 2pm & 6pm
Tickets are available from Wednesday 27th November at the school office (if sending money to school with your child, please put it in a named envelope). £3 per adult & £2 per seated child. Due to limited seats, only two tickets per child for each performance will be available - any extra tickets will be released nearer the time. Tickets are sold on a first come first serve basis.

Junior Music Concert in School
All children in school enjoy music as part of the curriculum in addition to that many of our KS2 children have private music tuition. This term we have offered lessons for flute, keyboard, guitar, ukulele, violin and singing. To celebrate and showcase what those children have accomplished, we invite parents and carers of St Luke's to a concert on Thursday 12th December at 10.45am in the school hall.
If you would like your KS2 child to have private music lessons, please speak to the school office. For those receiving Statutory Free School Meals, lessons will be subsided by the pupil premium.

St John's Hospice ELF RUN
On Friday 6th December, staff and children will be taking part in the ELF RUN at school to help raise money for St John’s Hospice. Elf hats will be given to every child and staff member (there is a suggested donation of £2) which will be worn on the run then can be taken home to decorate. We will wear our hats again on Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 13th December.

Christmas Fair & Christmas Jumper Day
This year we will be hosting our Christmas Fair on Friday 13th December from 3pm. Each of the classes will run a craft stall. Friends of St Luke's have invited people from the local community to run a stall of their own and sell a range of Christmas gifts and merchandise.
We will hold our annual Christmas Jumper Day where children and staff can wear a Christmas jumper to school, either shop bought or a creation of their own. In return, we ask that children and staff bring an item for our Christmas tombola or raffle.
If you have Christmas Jumpers of various sizes that no longer fit you or your child/ren, please consider bringing them to school on Friday 29th November for a swap or buy for £1 at the Friends coffee morning or after school. We also invite you to bring old nativity costumes too. Any remaining jumpers and costumes will be sold at the Christmas Fair. All money raised goes to the Friends to support school activities and projects.
Friday 20th December Last Day of Term School Closes at 2pm
On the last day of term everyone will be meeting at St Luke's Church for Christmas Carols at 8.55am. Please take you child/ren direct to church in the morning. If you can, please stay with us and join in the singing then help walk the children back to school around 9.45am.
Later in the day we will enjoy Christmas Carols around the Christmas Tree in school at 1pm. Please join us if you can.
School closes at 2pm. There will be no Night Owls.