School News 25th March 2019

Here's what's been going on at St. Luke's this week.
Thank You
A massive thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising efforts for Team Tom. The children from our Junior Leadership Team and Mrs Goodwin did a fantastic job organising the event and we raised a massive £1390 on the day.
The Mother’s Day raffle and Easter Raffle continue to remain open so please pop into the school office if you would like tickets. The Mother’s Day raffle will be drawn on Friday 29th March and the Easter Raffle will be drawn on Friday 5th April.
Tom’s family have asked me to pass on their thanks for your amazing support. He is recovering well and everyone is very proud of him. Thank you.
Join Our Brand New Crafty Kids Club!
Starting Monday 18th March, and every Monday after during term time, from 10:30am - 1:30pm, at Skerton Community Centre, Slyne Road, LA1 2JH.
Bring your child or children for a fun-filled session of craft making and socialising, as well as enjoying lunch with friends.
The craft club is £1.50 per child (including craft items and a light lunch, plus continuous refreshments throughout the session) - children under 1 attend for free!
This is a great opportunity for parents with young children to socialise with other local families, bond with their child as they learn important skills through craft making, and refine their early physical skills.
Craft activities will vary each session, so children will have the chance to explore different methods of using tools and materials.
We look forward to meeting you!
Are you using the new Connect by ParentAPP yet?
You should have received by text or email an activation code for our new parent app. If you haven’t or need help installing the app, please speak to the school office.
It is important you activate your account as you will miss out on important news….
We will introduce different elements of the APP over the next couple of months and communicate with you as and when they are available. Once fully up and running there will be numerous functions available such as; allowing parents to update a child’s record in school, receiving information about a child’s homework to news and events happening in school. The app will work alongside our new website which we aim to launch very soon too.
We no longer use EDUSPOT (Teachers2Parents), so it is important we stay in touch with you. The new app will ultimately offer more flexibility in communicating with you and visa versa.
Again, if you are unsure of how to install and activate the app on your mobile device or tablet, please speak to the school office.
Early Birds & Night Owls
Both Early Birds & Night Owls are enjoyed by many children at St Luke’s. Both clubs offer a wrap-around service which is available during term time from 7:30am, and after school until 5:29pm.
Both services are flexible so you are not expected to block book sessions, you can book as and when required. Many parents use the facilities to help out with childcare during their working hours, if they have an appointment, a shopping day, or even as a treat, because children really enjoy going.
Night Owls are offering a Friday night movie special for just £5 during March, where children can stay until 5:29pm. Look out for the offer in
your child’s book bag or call the school office to book.
For St Luke’s children, Early Birds is £5 per session (with breakfast) and Night Owls is £5 for one session, or £8 for two (with a snack).