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Newsletter - Tuesday 11th June

Newsletter - Tuesday 11th June

There are lots of fun activities and trips organised for the last half of the summer term. Please keep an eye on Parent App to receive all of the latest information, including dates for special events.

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Newsletter - 25th March 2024

Newsletter - 25th March 2024

Easter at St Luke’s. Easter garden competition - handheld gardens to be brought to the school hall on Wednesday 27th March to enter your year's competition. On Wednesday 27th March, we will be having an Easter Lunch: Mrs Tiggy-Winkle Roast Turkey or Quorn Fillet, served with Yorkshire Pudding, Peter Rabbit's Roast Potatoes and Veg, followed by Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-Tail Chocolate Cornflake Nests. Pasta and Jacket potatoes will still be available. School meals to be ordered and paid for in the usual way The children will be taking part in Experience Easter in school on Thursday 28th March. We hope you are able to join us in the Hall after school on that day to celebrate and experience Easter with us. If possible, please bring the correct change to purchase refreshments, we have limited change available. Juice and a biscuit 50p or hot drink and a hot cross bun £1 ST LUKE’S EGG ROLLING CHAMPIONSHIP! Children can bring in a decorated hard boiled egg to roll down the ramps! Prize for the best decorated egg per class and prize for the egg rolling champ… who will it be? Egg rolling timetable: Tuesday - Y2 & Y4 Wednesday - Y3 & Y5 Thursday - Reception, Y1 & Y6 £1.00 per roll.

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Newsletter - 1st March 2024
Newsletter - 12th January 2024

Newsletter - 12th January 2024

Happy New Year! It has been lovely to welcome all the children back and to hear their Christmas stories. I hope that everyone had a good Christmas and managed to find some time to relax during the holiday period. The term has started smoothly and I have been impressed with how quickly the children have got back into the routine of school. There is always a lot happening at school so keep an eye on the dates, newsletter, Parent App and Dojo as we always try and give as much notice as possible to the things that are happening and any changes to planned events. Mrs Armistead

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Newsletter - 14th December 2023

Newsletter - 14th December 2023

This year it feels very tough as the cost of living seems to be continuing to go up. Unfortunately we have been notified that the Rapid Relief boxes aren’t available at the moment. If you, or someone you know, requires an emergency food parcel from the Food Bank please contact Mrs Walling-Lewis or Miss Stephenson to arrange. Many people follow Martin Lewis as he gives great advice on money saving ideas all throughout the year. I particularly like his Christmas advice: "Christmas has become a retail festival, and it shouldn't be. Christmas should be joyous, but causes some people unhappiness, debt, and worry. Now, many people feel obliged to buy gifts for others that they know they won't use, with money they don't have, and cause themselves stress they don't need. "If you're really struggling and have nothing, then do truly go cold turkey – see family [if possible this year], spend time, think about life, watch the telly, but don't spend money on it. Christmas is just one day. Please look after yourselves and your family this Christmas and if you need help financially or emotionally please do get in touch and we will do our best to point you towards the right support.

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Christmas Diary Dates
Newsletter - 10th November 2023

Newsletter - 10th November 2023

Welcome back following our long Autumn Half Term. I hope you all had a relaxing time and that the children had a chance to play and enjoy. This half term is a very busy time in school as we prepare for Nativities and carol singing as well as getting lots of good learning happening. Please make a note of all of the activities that are coming up over the next couple of months.

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Newsletter - 6th October 2023

Newsletter - 6th October 2023

At the time of writing this, Year 6 are half way through their AMAZING trip to London. They are having an amazing time! On Wednesday they visited Horse Guards Parade and The Houses of Parliament, they went on the London Eye and then went to see ‘Back to the Future’ at The Adelphi Theatre. A huge thank you to Miss Garnett, Mrs Hatton, Miss Lund, Mr Bester and Miss Cokell for taking the children on this amazing trip.

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Newsletter - 22nd September 2023

Newsletter - 22nd September 2023

A huge well done to all of the children in school, especially our new starters. The new children have settled quickly and are doing incredibly well in school, partly thanks to the kindness and great role modelling from the children right across school. I couldn’t be more proud! The children certainly live our Bible passage from Luke 10:27.

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Newsletter - 4th September 2023

Newsletter - 4th September 2023

Welcome back to all of you. I hope you all have enjoyed a fabulous summer and are looking forward to the new school year. A huge welcome to our new children and families who are joining us and we hope that you are made to feel very welcome and arriving at school, on time, looking very smart and ready for a fabulous learning year. In this newsletter I have included lots of information that you will need for the year ahead and dates for your diary for this half term. I look forward to the year and working with all of you. Please, continue to look after yourselves and each other. Kind Regards, Mrs Armistead

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Newsletter - Friday 9th June 2023

Newsletter - Friday 9th June 2023

Welcome back to the final half term of this year. Where has the year gone? During this half term we have lots of activities and trips that will include being outdoors. Please ensure children have hats and water bottles with them every day. It may seem cooler some mornings but it can quickly heat up on the field and when we are out and about. Please put sunscreen on before school so that your child is protected from the start of the day.

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Newsletter - 5th May 2023

Newsletter - 5th May 2023

This weekend sees the country celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Whilst the coronation is on Saturday, we are closed for the Bank Holiday on Monday 8th May. Sunday 7th May at 11.00am is the All Age Service at St Luke’s Church. It would be really lovely to have lots of families join in this service following the King’s Coronation. Please be aware that if you are thinking about your child attending Ripley St Thomas for High School, their Admissions Policy has changed slightly. Your child will still get points for attending a church school but no longer do they get ‘extra’ points for attending this school. In order to ensure your child gets a place it is highly recommended that they (and you) attend church regularly over a period of time. If you would like more information about this, please get in touch with Rev Caitlin or Mrs Armistead.

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Newsletter - 21st April 2023

Newsletter - 21st April 2023

Welcome back after the Easter Holidays. It has been lovely to start the Summer Term off with sunshine and dry weather. The children have been able to play on the field and get out into the garden. Let’s hope the good weather continues throughout the term! I have been notified that the NEU are holding two strike days this half term, Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May. At this point in time school will be open on both of these days. If this changes I will let you know.

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Newsletter - Friday 24th March 2023

Newsletter - Friday 24th March 2023

Please come and join us for all of the events in the lead up to the Easter Holidays: Wednesday 29th March 3.40pm – 4.40pm Choir Church Eucharist – School Hall. 6.00pm Easter Bingo – School Hall Thursday 30th March Easter Gardens to School 3.20pm Easter Outdoors – Meet in the School Hall. Friday 31st March 9.30am ZONES of Regulation Parent Workshop - Cabin

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Newsletter - 10th March 2023

Newsletter - 10th March 2023

We are now in the season of Lent within the church year. I have been sharing daily reflections following the Church of England’s Lentern study called Dust and Glory. If you would like to know more about this please follow this link: Dust and Glory Our next community Eucharist with Choir Church will be in school on Wednesday 29th March starting at 3.40pm. The choir will have a quick rehearsal before we start and then parents and community member will be invited to join. Please come along and join in to support the project and hear the wonderful singing from our incredible children. ALL parents and community member are invited. Hot Cross Buns and cake will be available after the service. We will also be holding our Easter Outdoors after school on Thursday 30th March. Please join us in the school hall for hot cross buns and a tour of the reflection stations with your child. This was well attended last year and the feedback was really positive so please come along and join in. Last year many of you enjoyed participating in the Easter Gardens display in school. Please bring your Easter Gardens in on Thursday 30th March to use as part of the hall displays. A selection of the winning gardens will be taken to St Luke’s church to display during their Easter services. Kind regards, Mrs Armistead

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It’s a lovely community. We all feel like a part of St Luke’s family. My child loves her teachers and knows other members of staff. It’s lovely to walk into school and people know my child’s name and always say hello to her, even teachers from other classes or Mrs Armistead.


I know when I drop my kids off they are happy and safe and they both enjoy their time in school.


Thank you for not only teaching my daughter but also caring for her. She’s really happy at school and is making great progress in all areas of learning.


The staff have been so supportive of my child with Special Educational Needs. They are amazing and it makes me confident that my daughter is well looked after and if she has any problems they will help.

Parent of a child with SEND

The Reception Open Day really showed the school in a good light. The Headteacher showed us round and knew all of the pupil’s names. All of the children we met were friendly and polite but more importantly they were all smiling whilst learning.

Prospective Parent

Teachers are very helpful, friendly and approachable

Pupil, Year 6