Newsletter February 2025

HEADTEACHER’S MESSAGE It has been another busy half term in school. The children have been busy with their learning and taking part in lots of activities. We have been involved in many sporting fixtures including netball, athletics and bench ball. The children in Years 5 and 6 took part in Young Voices at the Co-op Arena in Manchester and we have had a visit from Harold the Giraffe and Katie from Life Education. As the weather improves, we will be planning lots of outdoor adventure activities and learning beyond the classroom for all of the children to take part in. Mrs Wood has started her maternity leave and we wish her the very best as she gets ready for her family to grow. We welcome Miss James who will be joining the staff as the Year 3 teacher during Mrs Wood’s maternity leave. I hope you all have a lovely Half Term holiday and I look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 24th February. Mrs Armistead
World Book Day
We will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 7th March.
The World Book Day theme this year is "Read Your Way".
This allows the younger children to come dressed as their favourite book character which they love to do and for older children who choose not to dress up to wear non-uniform, PJs, come dressed as their favourite word, footballer, etc. The theme is open to interpretation.
More information about activities on the day to follow…

Some more of your feedback from the Parent Attitude Questionnaire:
Why did you choose Skerton St Luke’s CE School for your child(ren)?
· Local and good reputation
· Good reports and close to home, small classes
· Heard good reviews from other parents and children that previously attended.
· Small school community where my children don’t get overlooked so their needs are met better.
· Proximity to home.
· Where my child was most comfortable when we came to look around.
What do you like most about our school?
· How they have adapted to my son’s needs almost instantly and understand him.
· How my child plays but also learns and how they teach them phonics through songs.
· How supportive they are. How consistent they are with keeping up to date with children’s progress and what they do/learn daily (Dojo App)
· All the teachers are kind, approachable and know the children well. You are able to talk to them about any issues and work alongside to create consistency between school and home.
· Good network of friends.
· The care for my child.
· How close it is.
· I love the welcoming feeling. All the staff have such dedication to the children not just with education but with the children’s welfare. The Pastoral Team are fantastic and go above and beyond and there is brilliant communication.
How can we make our school even better?
More after school clubs. Christmas Nativity for every class.
Reception and Key Stage 1 have nativities as it fits with their curriculum and helps them to know and remember the Christmas story. Each year we try to do something a little different for Key Stage 2 children, mostly incorporating singing as this works with their curriculum. We also try to use the church building for Key Stage 2, however this wasn’t possible this year.
Don’t be sure everyone is online; I would like paper copies of letters.
Paper copies of newsletter, trip letters etc, are always available from the school office or by emailing you can have a paper copy sent home.
Provide more information about available after school activities as we only know about Night Owls and not sure if our child could benefit from any clubs.
After school activities/ sports for Reception children. My child would love to do football after school.
More after school clubs (choir).
At the end of each term, we send information home about the after-school clubs available. You are encouraged to sign up to clubs as soon as you are able to. This year there are less clubs available simply due to the availability of coaches and people to run them.
More trips.
Each class plans to have trips linked to the curriculum they are learning about. Due to the cost of transport and availability of people to assist on the trips it has become more expensive to arrange. We often do fundraisers in school to help with the cost of these trips and appreciate your help in making this happen.
A Pre School would be amazing.
We would love to have a Pre School setting however, there is no room in school for this. We have looked into getting funding to expand the building to accommodate a nursery/ pre-school provision but this is not possible at the current time.
Wildcats Girls Football

Community Wellbeing

Red Nose Day
We will be celebrating Red Nose Day on Friday 21st March.
The Red Nose Day theme this year is ‘Do Something Funny for Money’
You are invited to come dressed in your funniest outfit on the day. It is the 40th Anniversary of Red Nose Day so perhaps you can use the theme of 40 as your inspiration!

Wed 26/02/25 | 10 Year 4 pupils to Yorkshire Dales |
Thurs 27/02/25 | 10 Year 4 pupils to Yorkshire Dales. Netball at OLCC (selected pupils) 10am to 12pm |
Fri 28/02/25 | 9.10am Celebration Worship 10 Year 4 pupils to Yorkshire Dales |
Wed 05/03/25 | 2.15pm Year 5 and 6 Ash Wednesday Service –Parents and Community Welcome |
Fri 07/03/25 | World Book Day – Read Your Way 9.10am Celebration Worship |
Fri 14/03/25 | 9.10am Celebration Worship |
Mon 17/03/25 | Parents Evening |
Thu 20/03/25 | Parents Evening |
Fri 21/03/25 | Red Nose Day 9.10am Celebration Worship |
Fri 28/03/25 | 9.10am Celebration Worship |
Mon 31/03 – Fri 04/04/25 | Holy Week in school |
Fri 04/04/25 | 9.10am Celebration Worship School Finishes for Easter Holiday at 3.20pm |
Tues 22/04/25 | School Back for Summer Term |