Newsletter - Monday 8th July

There are lots of fun activities and trips organised for the last half of the summer term. Please keep an eye on Parent App to receive all of the latest information, including dates for special events.
Classes for 2024-25
Reception – Mrs Goodwin, Miss Stanborough, Miss Mullineux (Monday-Wednesday) Mrs Marshall (Thursday-Friday)
Year 1 – Mrs Beaty and Mrs Busby
Year 2 – Mrs Billington (Monday-Wednesday), Mrs Heywood (Wednesday–Friday) and Mrs Plevey
Year 3 – Mrs Wood and Mrs Holroyd
Year 4 – Miss Race and Mr Bester
Year 5 – Mr Andrew and Mr Craig
Year 6 – Miss Taylor and Miss Lund
We are having two full Transition Days in school this year. Thursday 11th July and Monday 15th July. The children will meet their teacher for next year and spend these two days learning with them in their new classrooms.
Please remember not to park over the driveway to Craven Court (the new estate next to school) The road to Craven Court will be fixed by Lancashire County Council starting on 8th July which will mean that there will be temporary traffic lights outside of school and limited parking. We would advise walking to school if possible. The Crossing Patrol will still be available.
When parking for drop off and pickup please DO NOT park over people’ drives. Please leave enough space for cars to pass on the road.
Lune non-uniform day
Tuesday 16th July
For being the best house this half term. Well done!
Mrs Hatton is retiring
At the end of this school year, Mrs Hatton will be retiring after 32 years working at St Luke’s School. We are planning some special celebrations to say thank you for all her hard work over the years. As we put together a memory book, we would love for you or your children, to share memories and thoughts that we could add to this book. If you would like to add a thought, memory or message for Mrs Hatton, please email them to Mrs Armistead and these will be added to the memory book.
If you would like to add a donation towards a gift, please put your donation in an envelope and label it for the attention of Mrs Armistead. Your name will be added to Mrs Hatton’s card once Mrs Armistead has received them.
Sports Day
The Rearranged Sports Day will be on two separate days for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Weather Permitting!
Wednesday 10th July EYFS and KS1 10.00am – 11.30am
Friday 12th July Key Stage 2 – 10.00am - 12.00pm
Please note, there is no access to toilet facilities for guests on the field. Please ensure your child is wearing their; -HOUSE T-SHIRT -BLACK BOTTOMS/SHORTS -TRAINERS
Dates for your Diary | |
Wednesday 10th July | 10.00am-11.00am EYFS and KS1 Sports Day & PM—Animal Care visit |
Thursday 11th July | Transition Day |
Friday 12th July | 10.00am-12.00pm Key Stage 2 Sports Day |
Monday 15th July | Transition Day |
Thursday 18th July | 6.00pm Year 6 Oscars at Morecambe Football Club |
Friday 19th July | 9.00am Leavers’ Service St Luke’s Church (drop off at Church for 8.45am), 1.00pm Leavers’ Assembly in school & 2.00pm School Finishes. |