Following the announcement of the temporary measures as a result of the Omicron variant, we are asking you to read our guidance and follow these measures. Our aim is to keep our school, and the wider, community safe on the run up to Christmas.
• Face coverings are to be worn by all staff and visitors in communal areas of school. Although face coverings do not need to be worn outdoors, due to the close proximity of our families walking in and out of school, we are strongly recommending parents (or other relatives) to wear a face covering when collecting or dropping off your child.
• If there is a positive COVID-19 case in your household, the guidance still states that anyone under the age of 18, or anyone fully vaccinated, does not need to self-isolate. However, unless they are already displaying symptoms, we are urging parents to wait a couple of days and then book a PCR test for your child.
• Identifying close contacts will be conducted by NHS Test and Trace. Therefore, please report close contacts to NHS Test and Trace, where possible, if your child tests positive.
• Close contacts to a positive Omicron variant of COVID-19 must self-isolate for 10 days and book at PCR test, regardless of age or vaccination status.
• Children do not need to be confined to ‘bubbles’; however, if we have a rise in COVID cases beyond our threshold, our class bubbles will be re-introduced, along with other restrictive measures.
• Children will continue to be encouraged and taught how to follow good hygiene procedures.
• Our classrooms will continue to have adequate ventilation. Please note that during this cold snap, we encourage pupils to wear an extra layer – get those vests on!
• Nativities will be pre-recorded and shared with parents via Class Dojo in order to ensure that we keep visitors in school to a minimum.
We will continue to carefully monitor absence and illness across the school. If we are informed of a positive case in school, we will inform parents of children in the same class. If cases increase and meet our threshold, we will re-introduce extra control measures.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Armistead
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