Newsletter - 2nd September 2022

Welcome to the new school year 2022-2023 Welcome back to all of you. I hope you all have enjoyed a fabulous summer and are looking forward to the new school year. A huge welcome to our new children and families who are joining us and we hope that you are made to feel very welcome and arriving at school, on time, looking very smart and ready for a fabulous learning year. I pray that it is an uninterrupted year in school so that we can really focus on ‘Opening Minds. Learning through Challenge and Celebrating God’s World’. In this newsletter I have included lots of information that you will need for the year ahead and dates for your diary for this half term. I look forward to the year and working with all of you. Please, continue to look after yourselves and each other. Kind Regards, Mrs Armistead
Pick up and drop off
On arrival at school you will notice that we have changed the playground to make it bigger for playtimes. The outer gate on Slyne Road will be open as normal but the new inner gate will only open at 8.45am and will be locked again at 8.55am. The rear access to school will be unlocked as usual and the side access to the playground will also be opened at 8.45am and locked at 8.55am.
The children in Reception will continue to access the classroom through the reception area, pupils in Year 1 through the bottom door next to the hall and all other classes will enter through their classroom doors from the playground.
Please encourage your child’s independence by saying good bye to them at the gate/ edge of the playground and letting them walk across the playground to the door, carrying their own belongings.
At the end of the school day, the gates will be open at 3.15pm as some classes continue to access the playground for learning. When the gates open, please wait at the edge of the playground NOT on the playground. This allows staff to see you and ensure the children are greeted by the appropriate adult.
Contact with school
We have a number of ways that we communicate with you and for you to communicate with us.
ParentApp – PA Connect – all newsletters, forms, information and letters will be sent out via ParentApp as a push notification, text message or email. All parents need access to this as it sends you the latest messages etc.
Parent Pay – all trips, residential, music lessons, clubs, night owls and early birds are to be paid for using Parent Pay. In paying for the activity, you are also giving consent for your child to attend the activity. We MUST have this permission for activities that take place outside the local area of the school. All parents need access to Parent Pay.
CONTACT US – Any information that needs to be shared with the teacher, office staff, Mrs Armistead, our SENCO or Pastoral Team can be emailed to Someone will endeavour to reply to your email within 1 working day of receiving it.
Telephone – You can call school anytime on 01524 65445. If there is no one available to take your call, you can leave a message and someone will endeavour to get back to you within 1 working day. Follow the phone instructions to talk to the office, the Business Manager or the Pastoral Team.
CLASS DOJO – This is specifically used to share learning including homework and home learning during periods of isolation. Parents are encouraged to see their children’s learning and the whole school pages where we share whole school information. It is very easy to message staff using Class Dojo but all too easy for staff to miss these messages.
Please call or email . We will endeavour to reply to your messages within 1 working day of receiving them. It is NOT ok to expect a member of staff to reply before 8.00am, after 5.00pm or at weekends.
in person – Staff members are always in the playground before and after school, as are members of SLT. The office is open before and after school for advice and to take orders e.g. Photographs, Friends activities etc. If you require a longer discussion with a member of staff, please telephone or email to make an appointment.
I hope this stops any confusion around how to make contact with a member of staff in school. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school office on 01524 65445 or email A member of staff will endeavour to reply to within 1 working day of receipt of your message.
Late Arrivals
Children arriving late should be accompanied by an adult to the School Office at the front of school. Parents and visitors must sign in and enter school through the secure entrance at the front of school. If your child arrives after 9:15am they will be marked in the register as unauthorised 'late after registers closed’.
You may be subject to a penalty notice if your child is consistently late for school.
Smoking and Dogs
We are a smoke-free premises and site. Parents are also reminded that when on the school premises (including passage from Vale Road and pedestrian driveway) dogs are not allowed.
We cannot allow children to leave school e.g. for a dental or medical appointment before the end of day, unless collected by a parent or responsible adult. We ask all parents in KS1 at the beginning of every year to provide school with a list of adults who have permission to collect their child. The list must be kept up to date at all times. If an adult attempts to collect a child and their name does not appear on the list, we will refuse them.
When dropping off or collecting your child, please park with consideration. Do not park across resident’s drives or park on the grass embankment across from school. We suggest you park at the community centre which in itself is safer as you do not have to cross the main road. Do not ‘stop’ or ‘park’ on the yellow zig zag lines outside school – this is dangerous and illegal. Penalty tickets have recently been issued.
Children MUST wear full uniform including black school shoes, except on PE days. On PE days we encourage children to come to school in PE clothes (school t-shirt, track pants or shorts and trainers)
No rucksacks or other bags. Book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles only please. Long hair MUST be tied back and all jewellery must be removed.
Please ensure all items are labelled with your child’s name.
Parents Induction Meetings
We invite parents to come into school to meet with your child’s class teacher at the start of their school year. These meetings will be an introduction to the class and set out expectations for the year ahead. We urge you to attend.
Wednesday 7th September 3.20pm Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 parents
Thursday 8th September 3.20pm Year 1 Year 3 and Year 5 parents
Reception parents meeting will be arranged when all of the children have started school.
Open morning/afternoon
Do you have a child, or know someone who does, starting primary school in September 2023?
We are holding two Open Sessions for parents to visit school before applying for a place. Sessions will be in the school hall and include a tour of the school. Please book a session by emailing
10.00am Wednesday 14th September 2022
2.15pm Wednesday 21st September 2022
Secondary School applications are also now open to current Year 6 pupils – apply before 31st October at
Dates for your Diary | |
07/09/22 | 3.20pm Y2,Y4,Y6 Parents Induction Meetings |
08/09/22 | 3.20pm Y1, Y3, Y5 Parents Induction Meetings |
11/09/22 | Back to school service at St Luke’s Church |
14/09/22 | 10am Open Morning for Reception 2023 |
21/09/22 | 2.15pm Open Afternoon for Reception 2023 |
23/09/22 | Harvest Celebration Worship |
25/09/22 | St Luke’s Church Harvest Festival |
27/09/22 | 9.30am Official School Opening of new building |
30/09/22 | Year 6 sharing for Celebration Worship |
05/10/22-07/10/22 | Year 6 to London |
07/10/22 | Year 5 sharing for Celebration Worship |
10/10/21 | 4.00pm Governors Resources Committee 5.00pm Governors Standards, Effectiveness and Curriculum Committee |
14/10/22 | Year 4 Sharing in Celebration Worship |
18/10/22 | St Luke’s Day – Service in church 6.00pm Reception Parents Phonics Evening |
20/10/22 | Key Stage 1 Share a Story – Parents invited |
21/10/22 | Year 4 sharing for Celebration Worship School Finishes for Half Term |
02/11/22 | School Back after Half Term |