Newsletter 20th January 2022

COVID UPDATE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS KEY GUIDANCE from 20 January • Face coverings are no longer advised for pupils, staff and visitors in classrooms. From 27 January, face coverings are no longer advised for pupils, staff and visitors in communal areas. • A director of public health might advise us that face coverings should temporarily be worn in communal areas or classrooms (by pupils, staff and visitors, unless exempt). We will inform you if this becomes advice from the director of public health. • In the mean time we continue to put in place recommended control measures: 1. Ensure good hygiene for everyone. 2. Maintain appropriate cleaning regimes. 3. Keep occupied spaces well ventilated. 4. Follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19. • Testing remains important in reducing the risk of transmission of infection within schools. There is no need for primary age pupils (those in year 6 and below) to regularly test, unless they have been identified as a contact for someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 and therefore advised to take lateral flow tests every day for 7 days. • You should follow the latest government guidance on confirmatory PCR tests in Stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection following a positive LFD test • Identifying close contacts will be conducted by NHS Test and Trace. Therefore, please report close contacts to NHS Test and Trace, where possible, if your child tests positive. • School attendance is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age and it is a priority to ensure that as many children as possible regularly attend school. Absences may be marked as unauthorised and continued absences will be dealt with in line with school policy. We will continue to carefully monitor absence and illness across the school. If cases increase and meet our threshold, we will re-introduce extra control measures. Kind Regards, Mrs Armistead
Building Works
On Monday 24th January the second phase of building works will begin in school. The previous phase has seen the building and refurbishment of toilets across school and has had little impact on the wider school community. This next phase will have more impact on everyone as we are having a new front entrance and office space built.
Builders will begin by setting up the site on Monday and therefore parking will be even more limited than usual. We recommend parking at the Community Centre during this time.
All access during this time will be through the main drive as the vehicle gate will be out of action. Parents and pupils are to use the main playground gates at the start and end of school. These gates will be closed from 9.15 am to 3.15 pm. If you need to access school during the school day, during these times, please use the kitchen gate.
There will be a temporary office set up in the infant entrance. There may be times when this is unmanned. Please let us know if you will be arriving at school to collect your child for an appointment, etc, during the school day, well in advance by phone or email, so there is someone there to let you in.
All children arriving after 8.55 am MUST be accompanied by an adult and signed in at the temporary office. Use Kitchen Gate if this is after 9.15 am.
Visitors can enter the school grounds via the bottom gate next to the school kitchen during school hours.
Please can parents NOT use the kitchen gate before and after school this is for visitors and deliveries only. Many thanks
It is even more important that children are on time for school. They will continue to come in through the door near the hall between 8.45am and 8.55am. At the end of the school day, each class will exit through this door and the hall door. Once you have your child/ children please move off the school ground as it will become very busy around these doors. KS2 parents, please continue to wait near the fence so classes can line up as they have all year.
We may have to move some classes during this time if the noise from the building works impacts of children’s learning, although the builders have assured us that they will do all they can to limit the disruption.
If you do need to make any contact with staff please ring or email
We have a number of ways that we communicate with you and for you to communicate with us. Some people are getting a little confused by what to use when and what to use it for.
Parent App – PA Connect – all newsletters, forms, information and letters will be sent out via ParentApp as a push notification, text message or email. All parents need access to this as it sends you the latest messages etc.
Parent Pay – all trips, residential, music lessons, clubs, school dinners, night owls and early birds are to be paid for using Parent Pay. In paying for the activity, you are also giving consent for your child to attend the activity. We MUST have this permission for activities that take place outside the local area of the school. All parents need access to Parent Pay.
CONTACT US – Any information that needs to be shared with the teacher, office staff, Mrs Armistead, our SENCO or Pastoral Team can be emailed to Someone will endeavour to reply to your email within 1 working day of receiving it.
Telephone – You can call school anytime on 01524 65445. During the building works the phone may not be manned at all times. If there is no one available to take your call, please email school using contact-us
CLASS DOJO – This is specifically used to share learning including homework and home learning during periods of isolation. Parents are encouraged to see their children’s learning and the whole school pages where we share whole school information. It is very easy to message staff using Class Dojo but all too easy for staff to miss these messages.
Please call or email . We will endeavour to reply to your messages within 1 working day of receiving them. It is NOT ok to expect a member of staff to reply before 8.00am, after 5.00pm or at weekends.
In person – Staff members are always in the playground before and after school, as are members of SLT. If you need to pass on a message, we ask that you email or ring and only talk face to face in an emergency. If you require a longer discussion with a member of staff, please telephone or email to make an appointment.
SCHOOL CLOUD – Web based video calling that we use for Parent-Teacher meetings. All parents must register following the email link sent to you from school cloud. Parents Evenings are offered in November and April. An extra meeting may be offered following the end of year report in July.
I hope this stops any confusion around how to make contact with a member of staff in school. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school office on 01524 65445 or email A member of staff with endeavour to reply to within 1 working day of receipt of your message.
Dates for your Diary | |
24/01/22 | Building works start. 5.30pm Governors - Standards and curriculum committee |
28/01/22 | Year 4 Sharing on Class Dojo |
04/02/22 | Year 3 Sharing on Class Dojo |
11/02/22 | Year 2 Sharing on Class Dojo. School finishes for Half Term |
21/02/22 | School Back |
28/02/22 | Parents' Evening |
03/03/22 | Parents' Evening |
11/03/22 | Year 1 Sharing |
18/03/22 | Red Nose Day |
21/03/22 | 4.30pm Full Governors Meeting |