Newsletter - Friday 22nd April

Welcome back to the Summer Term. Each half term we learn about and celebrate a new Christian Value in school and this half term we are thinking about Friendship. The children will explore what makes a good friend and what it means to be a good friend to others. Each term we also work on building skills for learning and this term we are learning to be resilient learners. Please talk to your child/ children about these concepts at home. As you will be aware, rules around Covid testing and self-isolation have now come down to local organisations deciding what works best for them. We are asking that if your child is unwell with Covid symptoms, please keep them at home for 3-5 days or until they feel well enough to return. We will continue to teach children to follow good hygiene in school, including regular hand washing. If you are not sure about what to do, please email OR call 01524 65445 to speak to a member of staff. Welcome to our new Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator A huge welcome to Mr Marc Molloy who joins us as our new SENCO in school. Mr Molloy was previously at St Luke’s as a teacher and SENCO and has now returned after a time teaching at The Loyne Specialist School. He brings his expertise around all areas of SEND as well as new skills developed in his time at The Loyne. If you would like to arrange a meeting with Mr Molloy to discuss your child/ children, please email or call 01524 65445.
Celebration Worship
From Friday 29th April, we are inviting parents to once again join us for Celebration Worship in the school hall from 9.10am. We will be sharing certificates and rewards in the assembly. Classes will continue to share their learning via video on Class Dojo each week so parents who can’t attend can see what their children are doing in school. Please join us next Friday morning if you can.
Night Owls
Due to the rising cost of living we have had to increase the charges for Night Owls from 1st April 2022.
The new charges are:
£6.00 for 1st hour (until 4.30pm)
£10.00 for 2 hours (until 5.29pm)
St Luke’s and St Chad’s are holding Confirmation Classes throughout the summer term for anyone in Year 5 and above. The Confirmation Service with the Bishop of Lancaster will be held on Sunday 26th June. Reverend Caitlin is happy to chat with any parents who would like to know more about confirmation and what this means for children and adults. If you are interested in finding out more or signing up to take part, please contact Rev Caitlin on 07377657391 or email
Boy’s Brigade and Girl’s Association
Would you like to join in the fun? We meet on Thursdays each week in Skerton Community Centre.
Juniors (8-11 years) 6.00pm-7.30pm
Company (11-14 years) and Seniors (14-16 years) 7.30pm-9.00pm.
Interested? Please contact John Walker for more details on 07886656930.
School Uniform
Children MUST wear full uniform including black school shoes, except on PE days. On PE days we encourage children to come to school in PE clothes (school t-shirt, track pants or shorts and trainers)
No rucksacks or other bags. Book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles only please. Long hair MUST be tied back and all jewellery must be removed.
Please ensure all items are labelled with your child’s name.
PLEASE NOT: Hair must be tied back if longer that shoulder length. Children are not permitted to have their hair dyed or have lines or designs cut into their hair.
We have a number of ways that we communicate with you and for you to communicate with us. Some people are getting a little confused by what to use when and what to use it for.
ParentApp – PA Connect – all newsletters, forms, information and letters will be sent out via ParentApp as a push notification, text message or email. All parents need access to this as it sends you the latest messages etc.
Parent Pay – all trips, residential, music lessons, clubs, school dinners, night owls and early birds are to be paid for using Parent Pay. In paying for the activity, you are also giving consent for your child to attend the activity. We MUST have this permission for activities that take place outside the local area of the school. All parents need access to Parent Pay.
CONTACT US – Any information that needs to be shared with the teacher, office staff, Mrs Armistead, our SENCO or Pastoral Team can be emailed to Someone will endeavour to reply to your email within 1 working day of receiving it.
Telephone – You can call school anytime on 01524 65445. During the building works the phone may not be manned at all times. If there is no one available to take your call, please email school using contact-us
CLASS DOJO – This is specifically used to share learning including homework and home learning during periods of isolation. Parents are encouraged to see their children’s learning and the whole school pages where we share whole school information. It is very easy to message staff using Class Dojo but all too easy for staff to miss these messages.
Please call or email . We will endeavour to reply to your messages within 1 working day of receiving them. It is NOT ok to expect a member of staff to reply before 8.00am, after 5.00pm or at weekends.
In person – Staff members are always in the playground before and after school, as are members of SLT. If you need to pass on a message, we ask that you email or ring and only talk face to face in an emergency. If you require a longer discussion with a member of staff, please telephone or email to make an appointment.
SCHOOL CLOUD – Web based video calling that we use for Parent-Teacher meetings. All parents must register following the email link sent to you from school cloud. Parents Evenings are offered in November and March. An extra meeting may be offered following the end of year report in July.
I hope this stops any confusion around how to make contact with a member of staff in school. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the school office on 01524 65445 or email A member of staff with endeavour to reply to within 1 working day of receipt of your message.
Dates for your diary | |
29/04/22 | Reception sharing |
02/05/22 | May Bank Holiday |
06/05/22 | Year 5 sharing |
09/05 – 12/05/22 | End of KS2 SATs week |
12/05/22 | Dental assessment for 5 year olds & Year 5 to Morecambe Bay Academy for Music |
16/05/22 | Year 6 Bikeability |
17/05/22 | Year 6 Bikeability |
18/05/22 | 6pm Induction meeting for new starters |
19/05/22 | Year 6 Bikeability & Year 5 to Morecambe Bay Academy for Music |
20/05/22 | Sports Day AM (weather dependent) |
23/05-27/05/22 | Year 6 to Isle of Man |
27/05/22 | Year 4 sharing & School finishes for Half Term |