Welcome back...

It has been so lovely to see everyone back in school following the Easter break. As the country starts to reopen following the latest lockdown we have been able to do a little more in school together as well. This week we have been able to have socially distanced Collective Worship with Year 4, 5 and 6 together in the hall and then Year 1, 2 and 3 together. It has been wonderful to be able to talk together, sing together and just be together again.
Christian Value
Our Christian Value for this half term in FRIENDSHIP. In school we are asking the children to think about the qualities that make a good friend and what that means for them. As a Christian school we also teach the children what The Bible says about friendship starting with the story of Jesus choosing his ‘special friends’ called Apostles.
Building Learning Power
As part of our Building Learning Power we are thinking about developing RESILIENCE and how to become a resilient learner. The children are taught how to be able to lock onto learning which means; knowing how to work through difficulties when the pressure mounts or the going gets tough. They will be taught the skills of:
- Absorption – being able to lose yourself in learning
- Managing Distractions – recognising and reducing distractions
- Noticing – perceiving patterns and detail in learning
- Perseverance – keeping going in the face of challenges (stickability)
If you would like to know more about our Christian Values or how we teach independent learning skills, please look at our school website or feel free to contact your child’s teacher for more information.
Homework will continue to be provided through the school planners and Class Dojo information. We encourage children to use their planners to help support their homework. Children should continue to read, learn spelling, practice phonics and use Numbots or Time Tables Rock Stars for their homework on a daily basis.
As we have now returned to school full time and shops are open once more we will now return to school policy on uniform. As of Monday 19th April all children must be in school uniform.
Boys Red sweatshirt with or without school logo. PLAIN white polo shirt, grey or black trousers or shorts - not tracksuit or jogging bottoms.
Girls Red sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo. Grey or black skirt or trousers - not tracksuit or jogging bottoms. PLAIN white polo shirt with our without school logo or PLAIN white blouse. Alternatively, in summer, a red and white striped/checked gingham DRESS.
PLAIN white, black or grey socks. Grey, black or red tights are acceptable. Multi-coloured/striped/bowed socks or tights are not acceptable.
Footwear Sensible, low-heeled BLACK shoes not trainers. Trainers are suitable to be changed into for outdoor PE/games, but not for everyday general wear.
Suitable, sturdy BLACK boots may be worn in winter. If suitable footwear is not worn, children will be asked to change into black pumps during the day.
Hats During hot, sunny weather we request that children bring a hat to school for health and safety reasons.
Bags A school book bag is recommended (or similar). No rucksacks please, due to limited space.
PE Uniform – to be worn to school on PE days School PE T-shirt (your child's first house coloured t-shirt will be given free of charge), Plain coloured shorts, trainers for outdoor PE.
A tracksuit/jogging bottoms are acceptable for outdoor PE and in colder weather.
Swimming Kit Trunks or costume (KS2 only). Swimming goggles are not recommended, but may be worn with signed parent permission. Pupils with long hair will be requested to wear a swimming cap. All of the above should be clearly marked with your child’s name
Please note, the Uniform & Leisure shop in Lancaster is now open.
Children must not wear jewellery to school and if they wear ear-rings these need to be small studs that should be removed on PE days.
In the interests of safety, it is a national requirement that children must remove all jewellery and other personal effects before PE lessons, including swimming. The National Curriculum requires all children to participate in PE, and also to understand rules about safety including reasons why jewellery should not be worn.
Any children wearing earrings, including stud earrings, must be able to remove them, as teaches are not permitted to assist. In the light of this advice, we require you to cooperate with us by not sending your child to school wearing jewellery, especially items that he or she cannot remove independently.
Earrings, if worn during the school day, must be stud earrings only — hoops or earrings that dangle are a hazard. If you are allowing your child to have their ears pierced, may we respectfully advise that is done at the beginning of the six week summer break.
School Clubs
Summer Multi-Skills After School Club - £10 per child
Term time only from week beginning 19th April up to and including week beginning 12th July 2021
Going to an after-school club is FANTASTIC for social skills as-well as physical fitness; LET’S GET OUR CHILDREN ACTIVE AND ENJOYING NEW SPORTS/SOCIALISING with friends once again.
Clubs will be led by MFC and will be limited to 30 per session - there is limited availability and the block of sessions must be booked by Friday 16th April.
These clubs will be held on;
Monday- Years 1 & 2
Wednesday- Years 5 & 6
Thursday- Years 3 & 4
Children should be collected at 4.20pm after the club.
THE CLUB IS OUTDOORS AND WEATHER DEPENDANT and will be CANCELLED if the weather is bad. Parents will be contacted by 1pm on the day if cancelled and will be asked to collect their child/ren at the end of the normal school day.
The club will be trialled in Summer 1 with a view to continue in Summer 2 (after May half term) if successful at no further charge.
Early Birds and Night Owls
If you need wrap around childcare (can be booked ad hoc) we can offer Early Birds breakfast club from 7.30am (including breakfast) for just £5 per session. Night Owls after school club can be booked up to 5.29pm with one session priced at £5 and two sessions at just £8. Please visit Parent APP to book a session under 'Forms & Surveys'.
School Places
We have school places available in our current reception class, year two and year three classes. If you know of anyone who is looking for a school place, please ask them to give us a call.
Thank you
Mrs Goodwin and her family have asked me to pass on her thanks to all of you for your kind words and condolences on the passing of her mum, Jennifer Moore. The family and school community were very moved by your support and the sharing of your memories of Mrs Moore. She is and will remain a dearly loved and respected part of all of our lives. Thank you.