This weeks' newsletter 18th May 2021

Please take the time to read our newsletter - it is a way for you to keep up to date with events and news in school and the local community.
Heysham Tragedy
You will all be aware of the awful tragedy that took place in Heysham at the weekend ending in the loss of life of 2 year old George Arthur Hinds. As a school, we would like to show our support for the family and all who have been affected. Tomorrow, Wednesday 19th May will be a non-school uniform day and any donations will be gratefully received and forwarded to the people affected. If any of our families need support, please do not hesitate to contact our family team at any time.
Video Parents' Evening Next Week
Monday 24th May & Thursday 27th May 2021 from 3.30pm to 7.30pm
Thank you to those who have made an appointment to meet their child's class teacher next week.
If you have made an appointment, you should have received an email confirmation. We strongly advise that you follow the link to check it works and your device is compatible - you will be taken to the 'Video Parents Evening Waiting Room' at which point you can check your microphone, sound and video. We recommend you do this a few days before your appointment so if you need help from the school office, there is plenty of time to resolve any issues.
For those who haven't yet made an appointment, we can't stress enough how important it is to arrange one with your child's class teacher. The meeting will give both you and your child's class teacher the opportunity to discuss how they are getting on in class and any concerns or questions you might have.
A further reminder has been sent to those parents who have not yet had chance to book an appointment. If you are struggling to book one, please contact the school office. Please note, for those of you that do not want to use the 'video option' during the appointment, simply turn it off before the appointment begins.
Only one appointment per child should be made unless you are a split family. Once you have booked your appointment, you can access it through 'My Bookings' and invite another person to attend (this gives you the option to access the appointment across more than one device).
Again, please follow your confirmation link once your appointment is booked to ensure your device is compatible and arrive a few minutes before you appointment on the day.
We look forward to meeting with you soon!
Road Safety
Electric Scooters – It is currently against the law to use a privately owned e-scooter on a public highway, cycle path or pedestrian footpath. If you use an e-scooter illegally: you could face a fine of £300, you could get penalty points on your licence and/or the e-scooter could be impounded.
Under no circumstances should an e-scooter be brought onto the school grounds.
Children who cycle or scoot to school should wear a safety helmet at all times. Children and adults are also not allowed to ride/ scoot on the school grounds including the pathway to/ from Vale Road. This is for everyone’s safety.
Family Prayer Adventure Map
This week each child in Key Stage 2 (Year 3-6) will receive a Digital Family Prayer Adventure Map which we encourage you to participate in over the week from 21st May to 31st May. It’s a really simple but fun way to think and talk about and to God. If you do take part, we would love some feedback about your prayer adventure.
Staying Safe

Step 3 – Covid Restrictions
Whilst many parts of the country, including businesses start to open up this week, restrictions and routines remain much the same in our school. We continue to follow Government, Lancashire County Council and NHS Guidance in school and therefore ask you to continue following the rules around social distancing, hand hygiene and face coverings.
Thank you so much for working with us over this last year. We have done and continue to do so well as a school because you stick to the rules and respect each other. If children or households show symptoms of COVID-19 we will continue to ask you to have a test or follow the self-isolation guidelines. We continue to do this in line with guidance and for everyone’s continued safety.
Please continue to look after yourselves and each other.
17 May: What’s changed:
You should continue to work from home if you can. When travelling within the UK, you should aim to do so safely and plan your journey in advance. You should get a test and follow the stay at home guidance if you have COVID-19 symptoms. This applies to children and young people as well.
· Gathering limits have been eased. Outdoor gatherings are limited to 30 people and indoor gatherings are limited to 6 people or 2 households (each household can include a support bubble, if eligible). · New guidance on meeting friends and family emphasises personal responsibility rather than government rules. Instead of instructing you to stay 2m apart from anyone you don’t live with, you are encouraged to exercise caution and consider the guidance on risks associated with COVID-19 and actions you can take to help keep you and your loved ones safe. Remember that the risks of close contact may be greater for some people than others and in some settings and circumstances, there will be specific guidance that you will need to follow even when you are with friends and family.
· Indoor entertainment and attractions such as cinemas, theatres, concert halls, bowling alleys, casinos, amusement arcades, museums and children’s indoor play areas are permitted to open with COVID-secure measures in place.
· People can attend indoor and outdoor events, including live performances, sporting events and business events. Attendance at these events is capped according to venue type, and attendees should follow the COVID-secure measures set out by those venues.
· Indoor hospitality venues such as restaurants, pubs, bars and cafes can reopen.
· Organised indoor sport can take place for all. This includes gym classes. It must be organised by a business, charity or public body and the organiser must take reasonable measures to reduce the risk of transmission.
· All holiday accommodation can open, including hotels and B&Bs. This can be used by groups of up to 6 or 2 households (each household can include a support bubble, if eligible).
· Funeral attendance is no longer be limited to 30 people, but will be determined by how many people the COVID-secure venue can safely accommodate with social distancing. Limits at weddings, wakes and other commemorative events have been increased to 30 people. Other significant life events, such as bar/bat mitzvahs and christenings, will also be able to take place with 30 people.
· The rules for care home residents visiting out and receiving visitors have changed, allowing up to five named visitors (two at any one time), provided visitors test negative for COVID-19.
· All higher education students are able to access in-person teaching.
· Support groups and parent and child group gathering limits have been increased to 30 people (not including under 5s)
· There is no longer a legal restriction or permitted reason required to travel internationally. A traffic light system for international travel has been introduced, and you must follow the rules when returning to England depending on whether you return from a red, amber or green list country