Newsletter - 5th May 2023

This weekend sees the country celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Whilst the coronation is on Saturday, we are closed for the Bank Holiday on Monday 8th May. Sunday 7th May at 11.00am is the All Age Service at St Luke’s Church. It would be really lovely to have lots of families join in this service following the King’s Coronation. Please be aware that if you are thinking about your child attending Ripley St Thomas for High School, their Admissions Policy has changed slightly. Your child will still get points for attending a church school but no longer do they get ‘extra’ points for attending this school. In order to ensure your child gets a place it is highly recommended that they (and you) attend church regularly over a period of time. If you would like more information about this, please get in touch with Rev Caitlin or Mrs Armistead.
School Uniform
Children MUST wear full uniform including black school shoes, except on PE days. On PE days we encourage children to come to school in PE clothes (school t-shirt, track pants or shorts and trainers)
No rucksacks or other bags. Book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles only please. Long hair MUST be tied back and all jewellery must be removed.
Please ensure all items are labelled with your child’s name.
PLEASE NOTE: Hair must be tied back if longer than shoulder length. Children are not permitted to have their hair dyed or have lines or designs cut into their hair.
Early Birds and Night Owls
School offers an excellent Breakfast Club and After School Care Club which many of you use either on a regular basis or as emergency support. We want these clubs to continue to grow and provide the best wrap around care for children in our local community.
Due to the cost of running the clubs increasing, new charges are now in place following the Easter break.
The new charges are:
Early Birds
£6.00 per session
Night Owls
£6.50 for 1st hour (until 4.30pm)
£11.00 for 2 hours (until 5.29pm)
The decision to do this has not been taken lightly and we thank you for your continued support.
Contact with school
A reminder of all the ways that we communicate with you and you can communicate with us:
ParentApp – PA Connect – all newsletters, forms, information and letters will be sent out via ParentApp as a push notification, text message or email. All parents MUST have access to this as it sends you the latest messages etc.
Parent Pay – all trips, residential, music lessons, clubs, night owls and early birds are to be paid for using Parent Pay. In paying for the activity, you are also giving consent for your child to attend the activity. We MUST have this permission for activities that take place outside the local area of the school. All parents need access to Parent Pay.
CONTACT US – Any information that needs to be shared with the teacher, office staff, Mrs Armistead, our SENCO or Pastoral Team can be emailed to Someone will endeavour to reply to your email within 1 working day of receiving it.
Telephone – You can call school anytime on 01524 65445. If there is no one available to take your call, you can leave a message and someone will endeavour to get back to you within 1 working day. Follow the phone instructions to talk to the office, the Business Manager or the Pastoral Team.
CLASS DOJO – This is specifically used to share learning including homework and home learning during periods of isolation. Parents are encouraged to see their children’s learning and the whole school pages where we share whole school information. It is very easy to message staff using Class Dojo but all too easy for staff to miss these messages.
Please call or email . We will endeavour to reply to your messages within 1 working day of receiving them. It is NOT ok to expect a member of staff to reply before 8.00am, after 5.00pm or at weekends.
Please Note: Mrs Armistead WILL NOT reply to any messages sent via Class Dojo. If you want to contact the Headteacher directly, please email OR phone 01524 65445
in person – Staff members are always in the playground before and after school, as are members of SLT. The office is open before and after school for advice and to take orders e.g. Photographs, Friends activities etc. If you require a longer discussion with a member of staff, please telephone or email to make an appointment.
A huge thank you to the members of Friends of Skerton St Luke’s. Without these volunteers we would be unable to run the amazing activities we do for our children. Every parent is automatically a member of FOSSL so please come and join in with anything you can to help raise much needed funds to help our children have the best opportunities they can.
Activities that are coming up include:
Bags to School – prepare now to bring along unused clothing etc on Wednesday 28th June
Food Boxes
As you may be aware there is a huge demand for boxes and support from the local food banks and they do an amazing job in helping people in our community. We continue to be fortunate enough to receive donations from Rapid Relief Team who provide boxes with food that has a long shelf life for people to access. If you, or anyone you know, could do with support from this charity, please contact Mrs Armistead direct to arrange – OR 01524 65445.
Dates for your Diary | |
07/05/23 | 11am All age service at St Luke's |
08/05/23 | King's Coronation Holiday |
09/05 - 12/05/23 | Year 6 SATS week |
15/05/23 | Year 2 SATS |
16/05/23 | 4pm - Resources Committee. 5pm - standards, Effectiveness and Curriculum Committee |
19/05/23 | Year 4 Sharing |
22/05 - 26/05/23 | Year 6 to Isle of Man |
23/05/23 | 6.00pm Induction evening for new September starters |
26/05/23 | Year 1 Sharing |
29/05 - 02/06/23 | Half Term |
04/06/23 | 11am All Age Service - St Luke's Church |
05/06/23 | School back |
09/06/23 | Sports Day |
13/06/23 | St Luke's Got Talent - KEY STAGE 1 |
14/06/23 | St Luke's Got Talent - KEY STAGE 2 |
16/06/23 | Year 3 Sharing |
26/06/23 | 4.00pm Full Governors |
28/06/23 | Bags to School |
02/07/23 | 11am - All Age Service at St Luke's Church |
04/07/23 | 5.00pm - Sports Night and Summer Fair |
07/07/23 | Year 1 Sharing |
12/07/23 | 2pm & 6pm - Year 6 Production |
20/07/23 | 6pm - Year 6 Oscars |
21/07/23 | 9am - Leavers Service at St Luke's Church. 1pm - Final Assembly. 2pm School Finishes |