Newsletter 3rd March 2020

Thank you for visiting our website and taking the time to read our newsletter.... At St Luke's we work together in our distinctive Christian vision to follow Jesus’ teaching, and become our best selves. We aim for everything we do to be clearly reflected in our mission statement: Opening minds, learning through challenge and celebrating God’s world Luke 10: 27 ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’
The value for this half term is Justice. Christians believe that Justice is about love. It means that we are called to take responsibility for one another, that no-one is excluded from life. I wonder how we show the value of justice in our school?
How do we make people aware of global justice issues?
How do we support charities?
How do we make sure rules and procedures are fair and just?
How do we help people take responsibility for each other?
How do we make the school inclusive for all?
How do we demonstrate compassion and help for those who have made mistakes?
During the season of Lent we encourage everyone to take up some of the healthy, wellbeing acts on our 40 Acts calendar.

Celebration Worship
Each Friday we have a Celebration Worship where children receive awards and certificates and are encouraged to share their successes and achievements from activities away from school. Classes take it in turns to share work and learning during the term. We encourage you all to attend our Celebration Worship each Friday from 9.10am.
Friday 13th March - Yr1 sharing
Friday 20th March - Reception sharing
Friday 27th March - Yr4 sharing
Friday 1st May - Yr6 sharing
School Aid 20
A huge thank you to everyone who organised School Aid 2020. The proceeds from the two days raised a huge amount of money for ourselves, The Loyne Specialist School, Morecambe Bay Primary School and West End Primary School. Last week Jay and the team popped in to meet some of our JLT and to hand over £1,350.00 for our school. We will let you know what the staff and children would like to spend the money on.

World Book Day
This year we are doing a few different activities to celebrate books and the fun of sharing a good book.
On Wednesday 4th March we are asking all children to bring in their favourite book to share and when we are in Family Group we will share our books and talk about why they are our favourites.
Friday 6th March will be our dress up day, come as your favourite book character and join our ‘parade’ in morning worship.

Look For A Book Challenge
At St Luke's we encourage children to read for the love of reading and we like to create new and different challenges to entice children to 'Stop it, Drop it, Read'.
The 'Look for a Book Challenge' is popular throughout the region and if your child isn't already involved, we'd love it if they could take part.

Olympic Sporting Star & Sponsored Event in School
Last month the St Luke's Play Leaders announced that we are going to host an Olympic Sporting Star at school. Sport for Champions UK's vision is to 'inspire children as the champions of tomorrow’ which is why one of their Olympic Stars will be visiting St Luke's. This was organised to kick start SPORT WEEK on Monday 9th March! The Play Leaders also gave out sponsor forms and children have been encouraged to take part in various sporting activities! The money raised will help support Sport for Champions UK (a Community Interest Company) and athletes of the future and a large amount goes towards our school! Please remember to only get ‘safe sponsors’ from trusted adults!
During Sports Week, if children would like, can come to school in 'Sports Wear' on Monday 9th March and bring with them £1.00 as a donation.

Selfie Competition - 'My family, my place!'
WIN £50
Lancaster Civic Society in association with University of Cumbria invite all primary school children to take family selfie.
Simply take a photo of your family with a building or structure from the Lancaster or surrounding area, that is of significance to your family, in the background. When entering, you need to say why the place was chosen.
Email your entries to Senior Lecturer Chris Barlow at University of Cumbria
For more information, please see the attached flyer.
The closing day for entries is Friday 27th March 2020. Please let us know if you are successful!!

40 Days of Lent 40 Acts
Our children are 'as ever' really enthusiastic about our 40 Acts of Lent. We have published a few pictures of our children who are taking part over Lent on our Facebook page (you don't need an account to view so take a look). This lovely picture is of Amelia who worked really hard writing our school Bible verse 'Love your neighbour as yourself', the first Act of Lent. Keep up the good work everyone.... 40 days and beyond !!!
You can send in a picture or comment of one of your child's 40 Acts by email at

School Calendar & Communication
Please keep up to date with events that are taking place in school. This can be done by viewing our school calendar on the website or by installing the Parent APP Connect on your mobile or tablet.
We update our calendar regularly with dates as far ahead as July - the 'We Are Reading Festival' on Saturday 4th July for instance.
If you don't want to miss out on Parents' Evening, School Sports Day, Family Fun Night or MUFTI days for example, view our school calendar or events on the APP for dates. Information such as school holidays and SATs week are also available.
Communication between school and you is important to us. Please visit our website regularly and read the notifications we send via our APP. Of course, if you have any other queries with regards to your child and their learning, we have an open door policy in school. Please feel free to contact the school office at the desk or via who will be happy to arrange a meeting with classteacher if need be.

Bag 2 School
The 'Friends' are running a Bag 2 School collection with a pick up on the morning of 16th March. An empty collection bag will go home with each child this week.
Bag 2 School is a company that specialises in good quality second hand clothing that can be re-used. All bags are weighted and we are payed by the total weight. Funds are given to school.