Newsletter 3rd July 2020 : COVID 19
Thank you all for your amazing support over this extremely challenging time. I know how hard it has been for everyone including our children. Many of you are sending in notes of support and I can’t tell you how much this means to the staff in school. This was our first week with all staff back in the building and all 7 classrooms being used as pods. It has been a challenge to get used to the new way of working but the children and staff have been fantastic at trying to keep to the rules to keep us all safe. ** IMPORTANT ** Please note the change of holiday dates as advised in the newsletter.
The school staff have done an amazing job of facilitating learning and activities for the children who are in school as well as for those at home. They deserve so much praise for staying on top of this new way of working that we are finding ourselves in. Many staff members do this in school and at home whilst trying to support their own children who are still accessing home learning.
Please respect the fact that we are all doing our best and think before contacting staff, especially out of working hours. Staff including myself are available between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm from Monday to Friday. We ask you to email or phone us on 01524 65445 if you would like any advice or support.
Summer Holidays
The Secretary of State for Education has confirmed that schools are not being asked to open over the summer holidays, and there is no expectation that schools should open for vulnerable children and children of critical workers over this period.
Skerton St Luke’s CE School will be closed over the summer holidays and no learning will be posted via Class Dojo after 17th July 2020. It is the governor’s view that all school staff need to have their summer holiday and relax with their families. You are all encouraged to do the same following the very stressful time that we have all experienced this year.
Autumn Term
We have received instruction from the Secretary of State that schools will be expected to open for all pupils when we return after the summer holiday. We are planning for this to happen but it will of course depend on the situation at the end of August.
Because of this, we have decided to move some INSET Days around. Staff will have three days in school at the beginning of the Autumn Term where plans will be finalised and then we will let you know details. Tuesday 1/9/20, Wednesday 2/9/20 and Thursday 3/9/20 will all be INSET days. School will open for pupils from Friday 4/9/20 so it is essential that you read all information sent out via Parent App. The revised term dates for 2020-2021 can be found on our website or via Parent APP.
For up to date information please keep an eye on Parent APP or visit
Stay safe and look after yourselves and each other.
Mrs Armistead
Opening minds, learning through challenge and celebrating God’s world
‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ Luke 10: 27