Newsletter 20th October 2021

As we reach the end of this Autumn Half Term I would like to say a huge well done to everyone. It has been a tough term and everyone is feeling very tired, especially the children. During this half term everyone has worked hard to get the children learning and catching up to where they should be. I am very proud of everyone’s efforts and, even though we have more hard work to do, I feel confident that we will get there if we continue to work together. I cannot stress enough how important it is to share books and complete homework tasks with your child/children. Please continue to do this over the half term break so that the children can pick up where they left off when they return. Please be aware that this is a two week half term break due to the school undergoing some building works during this time. I look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 8th November. Kind Regards, Mrs Armistead
COVID update
You should have all received a COVID Outbreak Contingency Plan via ParentApp. We have been very fortunate to continue to have low community transmissions and few school cases. We continue to ensure that we have our enhanced cleaning routine, handwashing and ventilation in place across the school. Please continue to be careful as we move further into the colder months and be aware that we may have to take different measures should cases rise. Please also ensure your child/children have layers under their school uniform to ensure they are warm enough in school.
Parents Evenings
Parent’s evenings are being held on Monday 8th and Thursday 11th November 2021. These will be held via the video link we used last academic year as the feedback was very positive. You will be sent a link to sign up via ParentApp and I encourage you all to have a face-to-face meeting about your child’s progress in school.
We now have a school Twitter account and we will be putting children’s work, information about what they are up to and ‘tweets’ about their favourite books on. We plan to # the authors to share the children’s thoughts and ideas. Come and join in and see who retweets or shares our tweets. Find us @StLukesSkerton
Squid Game
You will all, no doubt, have heard of the new Netflix series titled ‘Squid Game’. Some of you may have watched it, some of you might have heard about it and most of you will have seen something about it in the media. The series itself is a 15 rating which means it is suitable only for 15 years and over with no concessions for accompanying adults. This means that no child should be watching it.
For more information please follow this link: Is Squid Game suitable for children?
It has come to our attention that ‘Squid Game’ as a subject has now been used on many different gaming platforms, including Roblox, as a children’s game. Whilst this isn’t a problem in its self, it does provide a link for children to be exposed to violence and experiences that they are too young to understand or process. Or this may take them to sites that they are also too young to be involved in e.g. tiktok
Please follow this link: 'Squid Game' Trending across Platforms: What Parents Need to Know
With this in mind, we are encouraging the children to play the childhood games, using the English terminology – if they are playing ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ then that is the name of the game – it’s not ‘Squid Game’ or ‘Red Light, Green Light’.
Please keep a watchful eye over your child’s interactions online, they may find themselves innocently being exposed to games or information that they are just not ready to hear or see. Remember, what has been seen cannot be unseen and what has been heard cannot be unheard.
Night Owls
Please ensure that you prebook via ParentApp and pay in advance for every Night Owls Session. We need to know numbers in advance so we can provide adequate adult supervision and care. We don’t want to turn a child away but may have to if this rule is not followed.
Children In Need
This year the Children In Need theme is ‘Together We Can’. We will be taking part in activities that the children can plan, do and learn from together on that day. We encourage you to bring in £1 donation to come in mufti and the theme is ‘Dress Up or Dress Down’. You can come in your pyjamas or you can come dressed like a king or queen – the choice is yours. We will be celebrating this on Friday 19th November 2021.

St Luke's Youth Choir - St Luke's Church
Do you enjoy singing? Do you want to learn to read music?
Youth Choir
Practices Start
Wednesday 3rd November 2021
6.30pm in Church
We practice on Wednesday evening between 6.30pm and 7.30pm, then sing at the Church service on Sunday morning at 11am.
We sometimes have special services around Christmas and Easter and we are sometimes asked to sing at weddings.
Come and see how you like it.
Contact Rev'd Caitlin -
Kevin, the Organist on 07974 871 999
First Skerton Boys Brigade and Girls Association
Calling boys and girls from St Luke’s School to come and get involved in Boys Brigade Girls Association. Do you enjoy football and other fun games? Do you fancy trying camping? Do you like learning new crafts and skills? Do you enjoy new experiences?
Then BBGA could be for you.
We meet every Thursday from 6.00pm to 7.30pm (8-11years) at Skerton Community Centre, King George Playing Field, Slyne Road, Skerton.
For more information please contact John Walker (captain) 07886656930
Look for a Book
At Skerton St Luke’s we continue to believe that inspiring our children through reading and sharing a range of books is of huge importance. A couple of years ago, Mossgate Primary School set up a book challenge where children could hide and share books with other children in the local area. We would love for our school community to take part again in this challenge. If you would like to join in, here is what you need to do:
1. Choose a book that you no longer use and are happy to give away.
2. Write a note to go with your book for the person who finds it e.g. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I did.
Take care not to include personal details such as surnames and addresses.
3. Include the name of the Facebook page on your note - Lancaster and Morecambe Look for a Book – so that the finder can share on the page.
4. Wrap the book and the note in a plastic bag that is sealed so that it won’t get wet if it rains (large food bags are great for this).
5. Hide the book in a place where a child may find it in the local area, perhaps Ryelands Park, King George’s park/field, along the canal, Williamsons Park, to name a few local places.
We hope that all of our children take part in the challenge. The more children that take part, the more opportunities there will be for your child to find a new book to enjoy and pass on. It is also a great way to enjoy the outdoors as a family.
If you hide a book and are lucky to find one, share on DoJos in your child’s portfolio for the class teacher to see.
08/11/21 | School back after Half Term |
11/11/21 | Flu Spray available for all pupils in school |
12/11/21 | Celebration Worship |
15/11/21 and 18/11/21 | Parent's Evening |
19/11/21 | Children in Need |
26/11/21 | Y3 sharing for Celebration Worship |
29/11/21 | 4.30pm Full Governors |
01/12/21 | Experience Outdoor Adventures |
02/12/21 and 03/12/21 | Life Education |
03/12/21 | Year 2 sharing |
09/12/21 | The Duke's - Beauty and The Beast |
10/12/21 | Christmas Jumper Day |
13/12/21 | KS1 Christmas Dinner |
14/12/21 | KS2 Christmas Dinner |
17/12/21 | 2.00pm School Finishes |