Newsletter 17th June 2021
Share in our celebrations and look ahead to class transition, Euro day, St John's Hospice Big Picnic and more....
Big Congratulations to two of our amazing staff members. Miss Tomlinson got married over half term and she is now Mrs Stones in school and Miss Lee got engaged to her lovely boyfriend. We are so happy for both of these lovely ladies.
Just before half term the Governors held interviews for the roles of Assistant Headteacher and Permanent Class Teacher. It is with great pleasure and excitement that we are letting you know the Mrs Goodwin and Miss Garnett are our new Assistant Headteachers and Miss Lee is now a permanent teacher in school.
We welcome Mr Andrew to our school. He will be our new Year 2 teacher for this next academic year and will take on the responsibility of Key Stage 1 Lead and being a part of our Senior Leadership Team.
Euro Day
On Tuesday 22nd June, on the day that England play Czech Republic in Euro 2020, we will be having a Euro Day in school.
Children can come dressed in the kit or clothing to represent the country of their choice for the day. During the day we will be taking part in different activities linked to sport and the countries taking part.
The countries in the finals are:
Group A: Turkey, Italy, Wales, Switzerland
Group B: Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Russia
Group C: Netherlands, Ukraine, Austria, North Macedonia
Group D: England, Croatia, Scotland, Czech Republic
Group E: Spain, Sweden, Poland, Slovakia
Group F: Hungary, Portugal, France, Germany
School dinners will be a special Euro themed menu that all children are invited to participate in. The menu for the day is as follows and can be ordered at morning registration.
PENALTY PIZZA Ham & Sweetcorn Or Cheese & Tomato Served with mini football potatoes
HEADER HOTDOG Served with mini football potatoes

Transition 2021
On Friday 16th July the children will have a transition day, COVID dependent, when they go to their new class for the day. If you have any questions or concerns please do message your child’s class teacher on Class Dojo or contact school on 01524 65445 or
Classes for 2021
Mrs Goodwin, Miss Grime and Mrs Stanborough
Year 1
Miss Race, Mrs Busby, Miss Bartholomew
Year 2
Mr Andrew, Mrs Plevey
Year 3
Mrs Billington, Mrs Heywood, Mrs Holroyd
Year 4
Miss Butler, Miss Lund
Year 5
Miss Lee, Ms Mullineux, Miss Stephenson
Year 6
Miss Garnett, Mrs Pace
Miss Cokell
Mrs Walling-Lewis, Miss Stephenson
Hospice Big Picnic
On Friday 16th July we will be joining in the Nourish St John’s Hospice Big Picnic. This is to raise awareness and much needed funds to support the work of St John’s Hospice. We ask that all children bring in at least £1 in support of the hospice. Children can bring their own packed lunch or order a school packed lunch to join in on the Big Picnic.

Dates for your diary
Fri 18/06
Year 2 sharing
Mon 21/06
4.00pm Full Governors
Tues 22/06
Euro Theme Day
Fri 25/06
Reception Sharing
Yr5 Canal Walk
Mon 28/06
Year Rec at Leighton Moss
Tue 29/06
Year 3 Borwick – 4.30pm
Wed 30/06
Ripley Transition
Thu 01/07
Carnforth Transition Day
Fri 02/07
Year 1 at Leighton Moss
Mon 05/07
KS1 Rock Pool Day
Year 5 – Borwick – 8.00pm
Tue 06/07
KS2 Rock Pool Day
Wed 07/07
OLCC Transition Day
Thu 08/07
Year 5 – Abbeystead
Year 4 & 6 – Salt Ayre - 4pm
Fri 09/07
Reports to go out
Yr2 at Leighton Moss
Fri 16/07
Transition day
St John’s Hospice Picnic lunch
Sat 18/07
3pm Confirmation at St Luke’s Church
Mon 19/07
6.00pm Oscars – The Globe
Tues 20/07
9.00am Leaver’s Service – Year 6 only
1.00pm Assembly – Zoom or outside?
2.00pm School finishes
New School Showerproof Bookbags
We are introducing new showerproof bookbags in school. These can be purchased at the Uniform & Leisure Shop in Lancaster at a price of £6.99.
All Infants will be presented with a new showerproof bookbag as from September in the hope that in inclement weather the reading books inside will be better protected. We will no longer be using the current fabric book bags so please discard of it or use it for personal at home.