Looking ahead through December and beyond

As we enter the time of Advent and preparing for Christmas, I would like to thank you all for the fantastic effort you have made to follow school rules and work together to keep each other safe. I am very proud that we have managed to keep the school open, apart from Friday, throughout this Autumn Term and I am hopeful that we will be able to continue this over the next few weeks. You should all be very proud of your children and the effort they have all put into their learning this term. Every child in school has made progress in their learning, been engaged in class and continued to develop friendships and resilience throughout this strange time. Even though Lancaster and Morecambe have become more COVID safe we need to continue to follow government guidelines until we are told otherwise. We are planning events at Christmas that will make the experience as normal as possible for the children in school. Please continue to look out for class notices on Class Dojo and messages via parent app that will inform you of all we have planned. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy time as you make your Christmas preparations.
Christmas Reverse Advent Calendar now until Friday 11th December
We are running a 'Reverse Advent Calendar' in school again this year.
This is a way for us to collect food and special items for families living in poverty around Morecambe Bay to give them a treat at Christmas time.
Only if you are in a position to, and you are happy to help please donate to the Food Bank.
Items can be sent in to school with your child/ren as and when or dropped off by Friday 11th December, whichever suits.
Mrs Armistead will be working with the children and following the Advent from 1st December.
Please see the attached Advent Calendar with donation ideas.
Thank you for your continued support.

Christmas Cards Friday 4th & 11th December
This year children can bring Christmas cards to school for their own 'bubble' if they wish to. We are having two collection days when children can bring cards to school. Friday 4th December and Friday 11th December. Children can place their Christmas cards in a box in their class, they will be left in the box until the following week then handed out to children. Please be reminded, children should only bring cards to school for friends in their 'bubble' ie. class.
If children are thinking of bringing presents for staff, please could they bring them on either the Thursday 17th or Friday 18th December.

Streaming of The Snowman Week of 7th December
Next week in school we will enjoy the streaming of The Snowman and classes will live stream with a member of the orchestra from Carrot Productions. Class activities associated with The Snowman and The Bear and The Piano will continue over the next several weeks. We are really excited with the learning and activities linked to the project, especially as it supports writing and the arts. The children are sure to have an amazing experience.

Christmas Jumper Day Friday 11th December
A firm favourite with children and staff alike... the wearing of the 'Christmas Jumper' at school. Children can come to school wearing their favourite Christmas themed jumper. PLEASE do not think you have to rush out to buy one, in years past children and parents have had lots of fun creating and designing their own. If children do not want to wear a Christmas jumper that is fine. We ask that children wear their normal uniformed trousers/skirt and shoes (unless it is of course a PE day).
We are not asking for donations this time as we are running the Reverse Advent Calendar.

Experience Christmas Outdoors
We are excited to take our learning of Christmas outdoors and experience the best Christmas we can... with lots of activities planned and Carols around our beautiful Christmas tree we hope to create some wonderful memories and lessons learned.

Party Days and Christmas Dinner last week of term
This year each Key Stage will enjoy a Party Day and Christmas Dinner.
Monday 14th December: EY & KS1 (Rec, Yr1 & 2)
Tuesday 15th December: KS2 (Yr3, 4, 5 & 6)
Christmas dinner will be a traditional beef dinner (or vegetarian option) with seasonal vegetables followed by a Christmas cookie.
Children can come to school dressed wearing their 'party clothes' on the day of their class party. As the children will be spending some time outdoors, please ensure their footwear is appropriate and legs are covered. We have mentioned that classroom windows are open during the day (with heating on) please bear that in mind when choosing your child's party attire.
Children not having a Christmas dinner on their 'non-party day' (being Monday or Tuesday) will be offered either tomato pasta or jacket potato with filling.
Orders will be taken in the morning as usual. If you pay for school meals, please ensure payment is made on Parent Pay.

Early Birds and Night Owls
Both Early Birds and Night Owls have been running as normal since September. Children who attend enjoy lots of different activities. Those in Early Birds breakfast club are getting in the holiday mood making Christmas decorations whilst listening to some festive tunes. Children also enjoy other crafts, puzzles and games; some even take the time to do extra school work. We always make an effort to play outside especially if the weather is fine; the cold mornings certainly do get the blood pumping and wake you up, a great start to the day!
If you ever need the wrap-around service, please book an Early Birds or Night Owls session on Parent APP or contact the school office. All children are welcome.
Early Birds Breakfast Club is £5 per session from 7.30am. Breakfast is served until 8.15am.
Night Owls After-School Club offer one session at £5 (until 4.30pm) or two sessions at £8 (until 5.29pm) - this is great, especially at this time of the year if you are doing a bit of sneaky Christmas shopping.
We hope you are able to support us and look forward to seeing your child/ren very soon.

Charitable donations in November

Last Day of Term
The last day of term is Friday 18th December with an early finish.
Year 3 & Year 6 should be collected at 2pm
Year 1 & Year 4 at 2.05pm
Year Rec, Year 2 & Year 5 at 2.15pm
Please note there will be no Night Owls on the last day of term.
School will reopen after Christmas on Tuesday 5th January 2021.
Uniform and Leisure Shop Lancaster
The Uniform and Leisure Shop in Lancaster stock all St Luke's uniform from sweatshirts to cardigans, polo-shirts to the optional new red PE hoodies. Orders can be placed online via the following link or simply visit the shop.
Opening times in December 9.30am - 4.30pm
Wednesday 2nd
Friday 4th
Monday 7th
Wednesday 9th
Friday 11th
Monday 14th
Wednesday 16th
Friday 18th
We will not be opening on Tuesday's, Thursday's or Saturday's until after Christmas.
A few cautionary words without wishing to be a ‘killjoy’
As we move out of ‘lockdown’ on the 2nd December, I urge you to continue to be careful and follow the government guidance.
Schools close on Friday 18th December with Christmas Day falling 7 days later.
If a child or adult in school tests positive for COVID-19 in the week leading up to the end of term, the whole ‘bubble’ has to isolate for 14 days.
This would mean self-isolation, or worse still illness, on Christmas Day.
Many families are intending to celebrate with multi-generational households.
If you are planning to do this, please be mindful that the incidence of the virus, often asymptomatically, is particularly prevalent in years 7 – 11 at High School and Year 12 – age 24 and the number of infections in primary schools continues to rise. If you have family members who fall into these age brackets you may wish to put control measures into place from 10- 12 days prior to your celebrations.
I enclose the link to the Independent Sage Group meeting on Friday 27th November where these issues were discussed. https://www.independentsage.or...
I do feel that there is light at the end of the tunnel, but we just need to maintain our vigilance for a little while longer.
If you wish to discuss this further, do not hesitate to get in touch.
Click here for overview of Tier 3 VERY HIGH ALERT from 2nd December and what it means.
Pause for Thought......